Insanity- Woke NYC Democrat wants to make crime victims help their attackers – IOTW Report

Insanity- Woke NYC Democrat wants to make crime victims help their attackers

Liberal women are the worst.


Amid an increase in violent crimes and shootings in New York City, a candidate for public office wants victimized New Yorkers to bear the burden of the crimes against them.

The radical “public safety” plan put forward by socialist candidate Tiffany Cabán — a shoo-in to earn a spot on the City Council representing western Queens after November’s election — would allow for victims of violent crimes to help their attackers in the name of “restorative justice.”

The Democrat’s woke, 48-page manifesto would strip cops and courts of some of their most basic law enforcement roles — like sending violent perps to prison.

“Communities will be empowered to develop individualized strategies to help heal wounds of violence rather than being forced to rely on policing and prisons as the only recourse,” reads the policy from the Democratic Socialists of America-backed candidate in the non-competitive race.

Cabán’s plan, titled “A New Vision of Public Safety for New York City,” posits a scenario in which the victim of a violent mugging would be largely responsible for deciding the fate of their assailant.

“When I first read it I actually thought it was The Onion,” Giacalone  added. “The level of craziness is off the charts.”


11 Comments on Insanity- Woke NYC Democrat wants to make crime victims help their attackers

  1. This dimwitted cluck has been in one too many BS employee morale boosting sessions where you waste your time coming up with dumb ideas to make you think you’re helping.

  2. This is what happens with run away immigration. Too many former third world shit hole residence that want to turn America into what the just fled. We need to let small amounts in, that have the ability to contribute, and we give them time to assimilate before bringing their whole damn country here.


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