Inside Job – IOTW Report

Inside Job



A team of investigators who pored over evidence in the JonBenet Ramsey murder 20 years after the fact presented its conclusion Monday night: Brother Burke Ramsay did it. The scenario laid out by the panel: Burke, who was just a shade under 10 at the time, hit his sister in a rage with a flashlight when she stole a piece of his pineapple from a bowl he was snacking on before bed. (A bowl on the kitchen table and the contents of JonBenet’s stomach helped lead to that theory.) Panelists do not think he killed her intentionally, but they were unanimous in asserting that parents John and Patsy Ramsey then took over and concocted an elaborate fake kidnapping story as a cover-up, reports E! Online. The show includes an interview with a former neighbor who said Burke had a temper and once hit JonBenet in the face with a golf club.

“If you really, really use your free time to think about this case, you cannot come to a different conclusion,” renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Werner Spitz, a member of the panel, tells CBS Local. “It’s the boy who did it.” Among other things, the panel is sure that Patsy Ramsey wrote the unusually long three-page ransom note found in the home. And the supposed stun gun marks on JonBenet? Investigators say they more likely came from a piece of track from Burke’s railroad set, perhaps as he was poking his sister in an attempt to revive her. In part one of the show, the panel replayed the original 911 call, which keeps recording after Patsy thinks she has hung up. With enhanced audio, the panel makes the case that Burke can be heard speaking to his parents, though he was supposed to have been sleeping. (Burke, meanwhile, tells Dr. Phil that it was “probably some pedophile” from a beauty pageant who killed his sister, reports People.


JonBenet Ramsey’s brother Burke, 29, will SUE CBS after network special claimed he was responsible for killing his beauty queen sister

29 Comments on Inside Job

  1. Always thought it was The brother. If you watch the his interview with Dr. Phil (don’t get me started about that fraud), you’ll understand why. The brother smiled continually. A complete psycho.

  2. The wife is a Psychiatrist and said it was an inside job from the start. Look for someone with emotional problems. At the time she took a legal pad and hand wrote 20 pages on each
    family member. (After locking herself in her office for hours) She does this for fun. I really got pissed when she said the little boy
    was also suspect. If he did it I said it was an accident. Children don’t kill other children.
    Well she set me straight on that real quick. Ok I guess they can.
    I’m really naive. This case has bothered me from day one.
    Who kills a little kid?

    The wife
    Someone with emotional problems.

    The parents should also do 20 years for protecting the son.

  3. It is a sad but I still don’t care because it is none of my business. Parents were stupid though. If they just fessed up and hired a good lawyer, he’d would have spent a short time in juvy for manslaughter and it would have been a non-story.

  4. That information about the brother’s voice being heard on the 911 call despite the fact the mother told police he was sleeping at the time the call was made was established years ago. It always seemed odd to me. But I thought all family members were cleared via DNA.

  5. Grool, I’ve disliked Jolie for a long time and have paid little attention to her over the years, but that link has me be disgusted with her now.

    She’s imposing her crap on an innocent child and to top it off – it’s her own. She’s disgusting and just as much a child abuser as any other.

  6. I don’t buy it for several reasons. If they went to so much trouble to protect their son then, why not now? Dad is still wealthy and has a voice. The extent of coverup just does not compute for me as protecting their son, but themselves. There was never a doubt he was awake on the 911 call, but they told him to lie and say he was sleeping and he did. I think it is so sad that John is allowing Burke to be used like this only to sue after the fact.

    I always thought Patsy hurt her and thought she killed her. To protect Patsy John set up the scene and actually mudered her (thinking she was already dead) with suffocation. Once suffocation was announced as the cause of death they both had to protect themselves at all costs.

    IIRC the documentary was dishonest about the grand jury findings, among many other things. They claimed they wear indicted for covering up a crime…they were in fact indicted for child abuse leading to death.

  7. There is dna evidence in this case. This evidence specifically excludes all the family. This CBS hack job is just like the Dan Rather attack piece on Bush; made up to serve an agenda.

  8. I’m looking forward to the Amanda Knox documentary on Netflix.
    That is a textbook case of the Italian’s railroading an innocent American.

    The CBS, Ramsey case had Dr. Henry Lee on the panel.
    The asswagon on the OJ case that said “sumting wong!”
    That batshit chink was proclaiming OJ innocent so I don’t believe that whacko panel for one second.

  9. It makes sense, and I believe the brother did it.

    The fact that he had “anger problems” and hit the girl with a golf club is strong evidence that he was/is unhinged.
    The parents’ mistake, as is often the case, was trying to cover it up.

  10. The mother,Patsy, did it. The little girl was a bed wetter/defecator and when she had an accident that Christmas eve, her psycho Mom flared up and smacked hit her. The grand jury voted to indict the parents, but it was squelched by the D.A.

  11. While I applaud real law enforcement to continue to investigate murders this show from CBS was just a sensationalistic attempt at a ratings grab. Thar’s all, no social significance other then selling ad time for a steep price because it’s sure not journalism. I didn’t watch the show myself but I suspect the kid probably did it but there’s no proof and people should resign themselves to the fact that this is unlikely (outside a provable confession) this will ever be solved. Hell, the millions could have done themselves a favor and turned off their TV’s and taken the dog for a walk. Both of you would have had a better time.

  12. Well, I knew it the night it happened … because I had been in the basement interviewing the cat on a different matter. I heard the commotion and hid behind the cat box, pleading with the cat to be quiet, when they brought the little girl’s body down the stairs. My secret 007 mini-camera wasn’t operating properly, or I’d have pictures, to boot!

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