Inside the Voice Actor’s Mouth – IOTW Report

Inside the Voice Actor’s Mouth

Tara Strong, a Canadian voice actress, and her actress buddy Rena Sofer, got into an argument with a naturalized citizen Uber driver who supports Trump.

Sofer, in a moment of idiocy, seems to imply during her argument that a citizen born of this soil is superior, not realizing she’s sitting next to her Canadian bint friend.

There is ONE thing said during the argument that I do agree with. The bints said they hired him to drive, not give his political opinions. I can get behind that sentiment.

But the argument DID happen, and some of the things they say are pure hypocritical lefty. When the driver says lefties ruined America, Sofer immediately shoots back, “we ruined America? We were born here. We ARE America!”

Tell us more, stupid.

Here’s an oddball string of videos posted by Tara Strong that gives one a glimpse into how her mind works.

more at Gateway

15 Comments on Inside the Voice Actor’s Mouth

  1. I can see why she is a voice actor….. AND WTF is going on with her mouth??

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Here’s her resume. It’s one most actors would die for. Constant work means you’re good AND GET ALONG WELL WITH OTHERS.

    Freaking out on an immigrant is one of those deals that could lead to a significant gap of no work for her future. Remember Kramer?

    Poor Canadian idiot….. she was doing so well for the past 30 years.


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