Instagram Promises to Blur Out Nude Pictures Sent to Minors – IOTW Report

 Instagram Promises to Blur Out Nude Pictures Sent to Minors

Instagram, the popular social media platform owned by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, is set to launch a new safety feature aimed at protecting minors from receiving unwanted nude images in their direct messages.

The Verge reports that Zuckerberg’s Meta announced on Thursday that it will soon roll out a feature designed to blur images detected to contain nudity and discourage users from sending such content to children. The feature, which will be enabled by default for teenage Instagram users based on their account’s birthday information, aims to create a safer environment for the platform’s youngest users. Adult users will also be encouraged to enable the protection through a notification. more

13 Comments on  Instagram Promises to Blur Out Nude Pictures Sent to Minors

  1. LOL, Where’s the nudey pictures? I’ve been looking and I can’t find them. Honestly there’s some pretty skanky women that show up on your screen sometimes. But I’ve never seen any nudity there.

  2. “When the protection is enabled, Instagram users who receive nude photographs will be presented with a message encouraging them not to feel pressured to respond, along with options to block and report the sender.”

    So instead of making the “sending nude pictures” a blanket violation of the TOS, worthy of a ban, it is incumbent upon the receiver to “enable” the protection filter and then decide for him/her self whether to open the offending image, “Mom told me I should not look at these, I’m sure she is right”.


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