Insufferable Lefty “Journalist” Stubbornly Stuck With His Glaring Misinformation, Like a Good Little Comrade – IOTW Report

Insufferable Lefty “Journalist” Stubbornly Stuck With His Glaring Misinformation, Like a Good Little Comrade

Shithead of the week— Jason Lemon. (another lemon of a journalist.)

He looks catty and bitchy, and in this case you can judge a book by its cover.

This dope stuck his narrative that Gorsuch said “hundreds of thousands of people” die each year of the flu, and only recanted after WAPO fact-checked what was painfully obvious.

Set aside that this is actually factually true-

-and let’s just focus on what Gorsuch said and didn’t say to reveal how much of a shitstain this “journalist is.”

How in the tank is this guy. He claims he hears “of” in the clip, as well as “many others.”

Add this to the list of proof of “Mass Formation Psychosis.”

So, in order to smear Gorsuch, Lemon hears what he wants to hear and will stick to his guns based on a faulty transcript error. Nice going, comrade!

The guy only admitted what everyone knew to be true moments ago.

I also want to apologize publicly to Justice Gorsuch for inaccurately transcribing his remarks (as did the official SCOTUS stenographer, as well as journalists at The Guardian and The Nation.

When I initially wrote this article on Friday, there was no question in my mind that my hearing of the audio was inaccurate. It wasn’t until Sunday morning that I realized (via Twitter) that the transcription was being disputed.

I had of course asked for comment on Friday before writing. But I reached out again multiple times on Sunday for clarification and updated the article to reflect the dispute. A spox for SCOTUS confirmed to me this morning that the transcript was wrong and had just been changed.

I then updated the article and corrected throughout. Again, very happy to admit that I was wrong here and I’m being fully transparent about this.

Many have suggested I’m a “liberal hack” or a “democratic activist.” To be clear, I’m not registered with a political party and do not identify as a Democrat or a Republican. Furthermore, I also wrote about Sotomayor’s *blatantly* inaccurate comments:

To those who have said I’m antagonistic toward Gorsuch because he is a conservative, that is completely false. Again, I apologize to him for misrepresenting what he actually said. Tbh, I actually regularly speak favorably of Gorsuch in private conversations.

I will personally always admire and appreciate Gorsuch because of the majority opinion he wrote in the landmark July 2020 SCOTUS ruling regarding LGBTQ rights. So, believe me, I don’t have personal animosity towards him:


You’re a hack.

9 Comments on Insufferable Lefty “Journalist” Stubbornly Stuck With His Glaring Misinformation, Like a Good Little Comrade

  1. this is the type of hypocrite schmuck who wouldn’t waste a second doxxing someone if it benefited the cause he identifies with, Socialism. So someone please seach public records to see what politicians and causes he donates to.

  2. Regardless of what Justice Gorsuch said, did this idjit do any research? I did a simple search and found that the CSC said only about 6K deaths. Maybe I should come out of retirement and get paid for simple stuff

  3. The journos had a real bad time of it with Sotomayor spectacularly outing herself as a complete cretin, so they desperately needed a false equivalent on the right, and intentionally misquoting Gorsuch was the best they could do. Sad.

  4. “I actually regularly speak favorably of Gorsuch in private conversations.”

    No, you don’t. You’ve never had a private conversation where his name came up. Ever. Just stop, before somebody dredges up your old tweets and wrecks you further.


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