In just a moment I am going to explain to you why Camping World CEO Marcus Lemonis is the stupidest CEO alive. In the meantime, after telling anyone who agreed with Trump’s handling of Charlottesville “don’t shop at my business,” Lemonis is now insulting the intelligence of his customers by straight up lying to them.

I’m not the one making that claim. The leftwing Snopes is calling Lemonis out. Let’s start with the full context of his original remarks:

CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera: Marcus, you have a consumer-facing business, Camping World. So do you worry about — if you were on one of these [presidential] councils, would you worry, thinking ‘Wow, I’ve got to deal with consumers every day, are they going to look at the business poorly because I’m associated with the White House?’

Marcus Lemonis: There’s no doubt that there is [sic] probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple of days and if they are, quite frankly don’t shop at my business. And I think the reality of it is is that there is a fear, there is a fear of association.

Here is Snopes:

Lemonis did strongly appear to have suggested that anyone who agreed with President Trump’s controversial remarks about the events of 12 August 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia, should not shop at his stores.

Ya think?

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ht/ TruckBuddy