Insulty-Culturalism: Newest “Germans” Insulted by German Culture, Threaten To Eradicate Natives of Their New Home – IOTW Report

Insulty-Culturalism: Newest “Germans” Insulted by German Culture, Threaten To Eradicate Natives of Their New Home

The experiment of importing Muslims into the west is a total failure and one that needs to be “corrected” quickly.  It will actually save lots of Muslim lives, if that’s your thing- saving Muslim lives, to get them out of the west as soon as possible, because the coming bloody backlash is due to arrive very, very soon.

The German pols are failing its citizenry. The reaction to this latest incident prompted one douchenshlagen to recommend appointing the Muzzies as the lifeguards as a way of expressing inclusion. I shite you not.


A GROUP of Muslim men stormed an outdoor nudist swimming pool in Germany shouting “Allahu Akbar” threatening to “eradicate” women for insulting them with their bare bodies.

The incident was the latest in a series of assaults at swimming areas across the country where sexually repressed young Muslim men have taken scantily clad women to be easy objects for their desires.  Earlier this month police in Duesseldorf confirmed a leaked report that said there were “grave worries” about the continuing trend.

Eyewitnesses said the six men, who were “apparently insulted” by the nudity, spat on the swimmers after branding them “sluts” and “infidels”.

One victim said: “They said women are all sluts and they would eradicate us all. This contempt and potential to be aggressive was very scary.”

The men, who all had “full beards”, burst into the pool moments after being asked to leave last Wednesday, according to employee Lisa-Marie Theunissen.

After the leaked police report about escalating sex crimes at pools  the Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) claimed that refugees should be trained as lifeguards as “this would be an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone”.

BDS President Peter Haiyang added: “We lack skilled workers. That’s why it would be negligent not to use these resources.”

Many cities, including Munich and Berlin, have produced cartoons in numerous languages instructing men on how to behave while swimming.

The illustrated etiquette guide warns them to wear swimming trunks in the water, rather than underwear, and not to touch women.

14 Comments on Insulty-Culturalism: Newest “Germans” Insulted by German Culture, Threaten To Eradicate Natives of Their New Home

  1. Where are the German MEN?

    I fear we did the German people a great dis-service following WWII. 50 years of occupation by US forces left them with no spine. The Germans were held down by us for too long – we turned their men into women.

  2. @harbqll: We didn’t do it, except as a consequence of stopping Nazism during the war. All the real men were killed off in WW2. 70 years of German government anti-war indoctrination did the rest. Only a truly pussified nation could elect DDR Commie like Angela Merkel.

    Therein lies the true evil of Nazi Germany. And they did it to themselves.

  3. “BDS President Peter Haiyang added: “We lack skilled workers. That’s why it would be negligent not to use these resources.””

    And if you hire quoranderthals, you’ll STILL lack skilled workers.

  4. The “lack in skilled workers” is a direct result of there being a lack of children being born in Germany for the last 30 years.

    I can’t give the topic justice so I will just reference Mark Steyn’s America Alone. Everything Steyn called back in 2005 is coming true- including nude beach goers being hassled by sons of allah.

  5. From 1871 to 1914 to 1939 Germany paraded its manhood to the sacrifice.
    Like Britain and France, nothing left but sissies and back-benchers.

    What men are left are shouted down as “reactionaries,” “Fascists,” and “malcontents.”

    Who will fight for Germany, now? Who CAN?
    Sheep to the slaughter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. douchenshlagen? Scheiße-Kopf works just fine here.

    After the leaked police report about escalating sex crimes at pools the Federal Association of German Swimming Professionals (BDS) claimed that refugees should be trained as lifeguards as “this would be an inclusive measure that would benefit everyone”.

    Holy cow! Like holding the natives under won’t be called “saving them” by these people!

    Criminally negligent? Terminally stupid? Whatever, these people need to be shot! They are complicit in all these pool attacks.

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