Insurance Companies Begin Denying Coverage for Vaccine Claims – IOTW Report

Insurance Companies Begin Denying Coverage for Vaccine Claims

Great Reject – The net is buzzing: more and more often Tweets, Facebook posts and blogs are appearing in social media claiming that vaccine damage and vaccine deaths will not be reimbursed by insurance companies because vaccination is an “experimental therapy” that people do on their own and therefore insurance companies do not pay for.

In fact, if you enter the relevant search terms, you will only find articles that vehemently deny this and dismiss it as fake news thrown into the world by evil, right-wing vaccine opponents and Querdenkern [Cross-thinkers]. But it is that simple, even if the evidence is hard to find, Nikki Vogt writes.

Many factcheckers are up in arms and rejecting this news. Everything is completely false and baseless. [snip]

A concrete indication that, contrary to all denials, a French court did rule in this way in a case of vaccine deaths: [see link below from Free West Media]

Read it all HERE.


Free West Media – Life insurer refuses to cover vaccine death

An explosive case is currently being hotly debated on social media: In France, a rich, older entrepreneur from Paris is said to have died as a result of a Corona injection. Previously, he had taken out multi-million dollar life insurance policies for the benefit of his children and grandchildren, according to a media report.

Although vaccination is recognized as the cause of death by doctors and the insurance company, it has refused to pay out. The reason is because the side effects of the Corona jabs are known and published. They argue that the deceased took part in an experiment at his own risk. Covid-19 in itself is not classed as a “critical illness”.

According to the company, an experimental vaccination resulting in death is like suicide. [bold is mine]

Read it HERE.

19 Comments on Insurance Companies Begin Denying Coverage for Vaccine Claims

  1. Insurance companies don’t pay claims out of the goodness of their hearts. The fine print is there for a reason. Next thing you know people would expect them to have a sense of responsibility for their customers.

  2. Nothing has changed for the insurance companies. This was put out when the death jab rolled out.

    No one listened or read their policy.

    If you took the death jab and have ill effects, it is on you. You have no recourse. I pray that if you have, you can still live a good life.

    For the people that forced it on their children, I hope that you don’t have a good life. I’ll leave it at that, so I don’t get kicked off the site for what I really want to say about you people.

  3. Can’t fly commercial without the jab, can’t hold a job in medical field without the jab, governments in blue states mandating the jab to attend school, vax manufacturers held harmless, and now the insurance companies are off the hook. But if YOU call the vax “experimental “ Twitter, Facebook and YouTube will ban you. Damn them all to hell.

  4. (damned kindle. try again)
    What gets me is that the insurance company is saying, “no one FORCED you to take this experimental drug”.
    Yet society, businesses, governments, LibTards, are all saying, “in order to go shopping, dine out, go to work, be treated medically, even to leave your house, you MUST take both jabs AND boosters. You MUST!”
    So, which is it?
    I know!
    Get those that force you to be jabbed to pay your insurance payouts.

  5. I’m too cynical. My first thought was this is a good way to stop people from saying a death was caused by the not-vax, so they don’t lose insurance benefits. Keep the death numbers low officially and not discourage people from getting the jab. But then I think, no, insurance companies are from hell, so it probably is just business to them.

  6. This will have a negative ripple effect on the Democrat party, especially on Biden. One more nail in the DNC coffin. 2022 and 2024 are looking better every day. This will also impact future lawsuits against the mandates in the benefit of those who were fired. Reason, they were saving their own lives by resisting the jab.
    PS; my condolences to those who fell for the con and died unnecessarily.

  7. It’s only going to get worse:
    “The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.” – Ann Barnhardt

  8. As for they who have had the thought even cross their mind that mandating anyone else subject themselves to an experimental medical procedure was legitimate – this is exactly what they deserve.

  9. Someone I know (fairly young but obese and fully jabbed) has been off work for the last 2 weeks due to coof…hospitalized for pneumonia, etc. Pretty serious.

    Yesterday I heard this person will be out next week as well because she is now immunocompromised.

  10. @OldCoot January 20, 2022 at 8:22 pm

    > The ins.companies will have to make up their minds. They can’t have it both ways.

    The “news” of their choice will be reported by the legally shielded, third party transmitters of content — exercising their government created, private enterprise right of editorial control. (Hey Facebook, Google, Twitter! Hows yous been!?)

    (seriously… the organs of the state perform the works of the state… or they cease to be)

  11. @Bob M. January 21, 2022 at 7:50 am

    > Thank you, ShitbamaKare!!!

    Keep hope alive! Loyal citizen!

    When the loyal opposition sweeps away the loyalists (in the next election), and replaces their zillionaire king with a court of foreign princes with a zillionaire king with a court of foreign princes (in the next next election), they’ll roll back that surrendered ground!

    You just need to VOAT HARDERER!!


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