Insurance Institute Concludes SUVs Kill the Most Bicyclists – IOTW Report

Insurance Institute Concludes SUVs Kill the Most Bicyclists

Previous IIHS [Insurance Institute for Highway Safety] research has shown that SUVs are more fatal to pedestrians, but the institute wanted to analyze if SUVs are truly more dangerous to cyclists. And the answer wasn’t hard to find, as a 2022 Illinois study found taller vehicles were involved in 26% of all pedestrian and bicyclist crashes, but 44% of fatal crashes. Compared to smaller passenger cars, which accounted for 62% of pedestrian and cyclist crashes but only 38% of fatalities, the trend is clear and the reason behind it is fairly obvious.

“The overrepresentation of certain vehicles in bicyclist fatalities is likely due to the way that their front-end height interacts with the person they strike,” Samuel S. Monfort and Becky C. Mueller write in the IIHS report. More

You know, like this poor slob. Here

63 Comments on Insurance Institute Concludes SUVs Kill the Most Bicyclists

  1. Really now, a bicycle vs any vehicle the vehicle is going to win.
    Just a dumb stupid Illinois study….
    Most Illinois people drive huge vehicles because the roads are so bad they destroy pint sized vehicles.
    What else would come out of demoncrat run cesspool

  2. And smaller vehicles cause more motorist deaths in accidents. The big ones better protect those inside the vehicle. Maybe these siloed “studies” aren’t helping after all.

  3. We don’t even swerve for roundabouts in AZ. The fuck chance does a cyclist have?

    Look up Prescott, we kill the hell out of bike riders. Every damn year. You know how cyclists in big cities are all cocky? The ones out here are nervous.

    Giant SUV’s and old retired people behind the wheel….seems pretty obvious what happens next. And that’s the thing. No one’s out to run bikes over…it’s just…. bikes are gay and insignificant. The hell are people even thinking riding a bike out here? No one’s looking out for them and no one cares.

    Harsh but factual.

  4. Pro tip for bicyclists: Ask your friendly neighborhood pyrotechnician for a half liter or so of nitroglycerin to carry with you when you’re cycling on the same roadway as heavy motor vehicle traffic. If some bastard hits you, you’re going to die in any case so you might as well take that bastard with you.

    After you leave the house but before you get on the road, remember to shake the nitro bottle vigorously to activate it.

  5. When I was a little kid I rode a bicycle.
    Bicyclists, in their silly helmets and funny pants are a menace and think they own the road. If they come out of the city or suburbs they get what they deserve.
    I wouldn’t hit one intentionally, but they come out to our countryside with our windy roads and get hit by people in large vehicles who travel 45+ mph. Well. Perhaps you are at fault.

    Children ride bikes in neighborhoods.

  6. SUV’s and bicycles, kind of like bringing a knife to a gun fight. But hey, if making a statement is more important than your life, knock yourself out – literally.

  7. Man this thread sure has a “get off my lawn” old man vibe to it…
    We get it, all bicyclists deserve to be killed dead by motor vehicles.
    Kill them, kill them all!
    Especially those that wear sweat-wicking clothing designed to prevent painful chafing.
    They should wear cotton that causes their nipples to bleed like real men.
    Good grief!

  8. The Libtards desperately want to tell you what you can and can’t drive. And they don’t like full sized trucks or SUV’s. To much power and size frightens them. That’s what this is all about.
    Most cyclist I see around my AO arrive in a full sized truck or SUV with their bikes hanging off the back of the vehicle.

  9. Loco – “…Man this thread sure has a “get off my lawn” old man vibe to it…
    We get it, all bicyclists deserve to be killed dead by motor vehicles.
    Kill them, kill them all!…”

    No, not true at all. It reflects many motorists experiences with arrogant, entitled, self-righteous cyclists who feel that the roads originally constructed for motor vehicles now need to be hared with them – riding at 20 mph when the speed limit is 45mph.

  10. Every government study is bullshit. Every “institute” study is bullshit. After 8 years of eight years of clinton and over 2 years of biden, EVERYTHING is bullshit.

  11. It is fairly simple, although the SUV definition is a bit blurred with car based “cross-over” vehicles. True SUVs are truck based and have a higher hood, or if you will, a bigger grill (and bumper) with no soft facia and foam underlayers. Where a car will knock a bike out from under the bicyclist, the SUV is more likely to bounce the cyclist directly and that impact alone is more lethal.

    In the end, as LBS pointed out, it is not the bicyclists, but the behicle drivers that are the problem. People pull out in front of trucks, busses, and motorcyles for the same reason; they don’t “see” what they are not looking for.

  12. stirrin, I believe there should be separate lanes for cyclists that keep motor vehicles away from each other.
    They don’t belong together on busy roads they will always lose.
    Like freeways, have exclusive motor-vehicle only operation.

    It’s just the irrational venom and invective that is expressed on these type threads that fascinates me.
    Serious hate, wanting people to die for *checks notes* riding a bicycle.
    Irrational as fuck.

  13. Do you pay ALL the taxes in that neighborhood PHenry?
    And don’t bother saying cyclist don’t.
    They have cars as well.
    And face it, you mocked them for wearing helmets & sweat wicking clothing(?) and said “they get what they deserve.”
    You do want them dead.
    You do want them dead

  14. California passed a law about three years ago that motor vehicle need to maintain at least three feet distance from cyclists. With in a week after that law passed I’m stopped at a stop sign and some dumb ass roles up on a bike and hangs on to my passenger side rear view while waiting for the light. Did I go off? Yes I did. It’s a cult of stupidity. Go get a mountain bike.

  15. *** they don’t “see” what they are not looking for.

    Bikes get lost behind the A pillar.

    Bikes go unseen when the head moves back and forth and only 30 frames per second enter the brain.

    When you’re higher up in an SUV with the head moving back and forth, not only is the biker lost in the frame rate, but the visual profile is restricted further to just the top half of the biker, making the biker look even smaller. Same applies when the biker is behind the A pillar.

  16. Do I want all cyclists to be killed?

    :stands in contemplation watching the sun set…..the wheeling stars come out…and then the rising dawn.:

    I could go either way on this one.

  17. Motorcycles are less dangerous than cyclists on the road.

    Because motorbikes keep up with traffic, the speed everyone is expecting.

    Cyclists are unexpected.

    Both have visual problems to cagers though. Motorcyclists are taught things to watch out for. Cyclists aren’t, making them double risky.

    I’ve been hit on the SIDEWALK on a bike. Multiple times. Have yet to be hit on my motorbike with far, far many more miles. knock on wood.

  18. “…It’s just the irrational venom and invective that is expressed on these type threads that fascinates me…”

    Let’s turn the tables and sat there was a network of tax payer funded paved bicycle trails that I as a motorist wanted to travel on. Is turn about fair play? Is what’s good for the goose also good for the gander? Shouldn’t I the SUV driver be able to dive on those roads?

  19. All studies like this prove is that some geek researchers got a grant and then massaged some data to obtain the predetermined result. Geesh, I wonder how I ever got this jaded.

  20. stirrin, if it is illegal for a cyclist to drive on a certain road then he needs to be ticketed.
    Otherwise your premise is not remotely applicable.

    Seriously, you guys act like you drive behind the Tour du France every day on your way to work.
    I guarantee some jackwagon looking at their phone causes you much more of an inconvenience.

  21. Actually, let’s just cut to the chase. If you as a cyclist can maintain the prevailing legal speed limit I welcome you as a fellow traveler. If you can’t, well, shit or get off the road…or something like that.

  22. Sure stirrin but is it legal for these vehicles to ride on these roads you speak of even though they can’t maintain “your” predetermined minimum speed?
    If it’s legal then… what?
    Run them off the road and kill them dead?
    Back up & finish the job?
    Or pass laws to forbid cyclists?

    BTW, there is a candidate running for president that wants 15 minute style cities.
    Those definitely include bicycles.

  23. WTF? If I hit you with a common party balloon (the equivalent weight and logical powers of a libtard’s brain) going 60 miles per hour, and then hit you with, say, an 1880s doorknob going 60 miles per hour… the outcomes would be different, wouldn’t they?

  24. “The overrepresentation of certain vehicles in bicyclist fatalities is likely due to the way that their front-end height interacts with the person they strike…”

    No, more cyclists are killed by SUVs because there are more SUVs than any other style of car! This is just a ploy to either A) get SUVs banned or taxed, or B) justify increasing insurance premiums on SUVs.

  25. My SUV goes out nights and week-ends and kills score of pedal-bikers. It comes back with a bunch of bloody dick-weed helmets strapped to the radio aerial. I smack it on the front clip and tell it, “That’s terrible behavior!” It never listens.

  26. I came very close to nailing one with the mirror of my motorhome on the Oregon Coast road, but he got away…and since It’s a narrow two lane road, I couldn’t back up and get a second shot!

  27. Even though I studied Physics in college, I already knew that cars & bikes don’t mix.
    That is how I’ve survived all these years riding them.
    I mostly do mountain biking and in safe areas.

    As a fitness buff with a six-pack, I would love for there to be a utopian harmonious world where MVs & bikes could co-exist.
    Where one could commute on a bike safely.
    There are loops being created in various states where it is safe to ride.
    Louisville has a 100 mile loop that is fantastic.

    Ultimately riding is great exercise and this country is full of fatties.

  28. Do NOT blame SUVs. Blame the arrogant, it’s-all-about-me, dumb ass, look-at-me bicyclists who rarely take defensive actions to save their own lives. I am so sick of self-centered, inconsiderate bicyclists who ride in the road, or all too often, on the white line, challenging cars, when they could move over a foot or two or they could safely ride on sidewalks. Darwin has to be getting tired of bicyclists saying “hold my beer.”

  29. It takes a lot longer for a 4 to 5 or 6 thousand pound SUV or truck to stop than a small car. That is a flaw in the study.
    Almost all bikers in our city jump between bike lanes sidewalks and the car lanes to beat the lights. Rules of the road they don’t give a crap. I hate the bike riders.

  30. A pedal powered steamroller…

    Like a James Taylor song…

    Well, I’m a steamroller, baby
    I’m bound to roll all over you
    Yes, I’m a steamroller, baby
    I’m bound to roll all over you
    I’m gonna inject your soul with some sweet rock ‘n roll
    And shoot you full of rhythm and blues

    Nothing gayer than that.

  31. Most cyclists ride like they own the road…too stupid to realize that physics simply does not care. We’ve all seen them, cyclists weaving in and out of traffic…rolling stop signs and stop lights, ducking through parking lots and onto then off of sidewalks and generally acting like the brain dead organ donors that most of them eventually will end up being. Riding bicycles in traffic is a Darwinian filter. Sooner or later doing so will remove you from the gene pool.

  32. My mom used to take her dog to five mile drive in Point Defiance Park every day and go for a walk when she was well into her eighties. Bicyclists lobbied and bribed to have five mile drive closed to motor vehicles and then Shazam all of a sudden motor vehicles are causing the cliff to erode according to a bullshit study and so it’s closed to motor vehicles. Nobody gets to enjoy it except them. I’ve been an avid bicyclist all my life up until recently, I’ve always just paid attention and done my best to ride like my life depended on me using good judgement. What bicycle activists have accomplished in my case is that I am all out of shits to give about them.

  33. It’s the guys going down the highway on their roller skis that have it coming to them in my part of the world. The bicyclist know to stay over on the paved portion of the shoulder.

    It’s also the idiots who go out on major highways wearing colors that blend into the road or background that cause me concern. This applies whether walking, jogging, biking, or roller skiing. If I can’t see you in time I’m going to have a hard time avoiding killing if you’re in the middle of a major highway.

    Not to mention the challenge of keeping track of the Illinois or Minnesota drivers coming up on my bumper at 80 mph on a two lane. I make a point to move over in the passing zones so I can avoid their accident when that deer comes bounding across the road with no warning. Which is likely to happen now that the wolves and bears have over-populated and force the does to drop their fawns in the ditches of major highways.

    I’d like to see an insurance institute study on these man-made hazards.

  34. @ Dr. Tar AT 8:11 AM

    “It’s also the idiots who go out on major highways wearing colors that blend into the road or background that cause me concern.”

    Here in western Washington the Goddamned morons like to wear a dark blue, grey, brown or black hoodie in the rain and after dark or in the early hours. The fucking idiots have no peripheral vision, frequently have ear buds in and it’s never their fault when they are flattened out. Bullshit.


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