Intel Community Are Going To See To It That “Trump Dies in Jail” – IOTW Report

Intel Community Are Going To See To It That “Trump Dies in Jail”

What’s the matter with these fairies? Back in the day they’d just set up a motorcade.

You know how you know John Schindler is full of fecal matter? Because Trump would just be killed and you’d never hear all this bluster.


John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst and current columnist for the New York Observer, said Wednesday that the intelligence community will go “nuclear” against President Donald Trump.

The national security columnist also quoted a senior intelligence official telling him that Trump “will die in jail.” “Now we go nuclear. [Intelligence community] war going to new levels. Just got an [email from] from senior [intelligence community] friend, it began: ‘He will die in jail,’” Schindler tweeted.

The Observer columnist has for months taken a strong stance against Trump. He recently wrote an article called “The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins.”

This came after President Trump angrily tweeted about continued leaks to major media outlets. “Information is being illegally given to the failing [New York Times] & [Washington Post] by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?). Just like Russia,” Trump wrote.

Schindler received heat for his tweet suggesting a coup by the intelligence community.

ABC News chief foreign correspondent Terry Moran tweeted, “If this source is for real, talk of a ‘Deep State’ coup aren’t insane. [The president] will ‘die in jail’? Who do you think you are?”

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18 Comments on Intel Community Are Going To See To It That “Trump Dies in Jail”

  1. Schindler’s bluster is useful to TPTB in that it reinforces the tendency for the churnalists and general public to dismiss “conspiracy theories” and the like as crackpot crap. The more bogus and crazy conspiracy blather there is out there, the easier it is to dismiss anyone warning of actual conspiracies with that crackpot brush.

  2. I see where Egg McMuffin is signalling that he wants a deep state gig. And Bill Kristol would at least like to fluff. These idiots need to know that most people do not see the glamour of spook coup like they do.

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater February 15, 2017 at 11:47 pm

    There are plenty of good priests, just preserving respect for The Church by keeping quiet the pædo-rapes of the few bad priests, who’ve never touched a child.

  4. Have these idiots even considered the possibility that Trump is getting his own private intel from wikileaks? Do they seriously believe that Wikileaks just dumps everything out to the general public and makes no targeted leaks to selected individuals ir entities?

    I dunno, maybe these spooks have done their homework, but their track record of expecting the unexpected is pretty unimpressive. They’d better hope President Trump doesn’t already have a list which he’s checking twice. There is no plausible deniability when spies get the burn notice.

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