Intel Community Leaked Contents Of Tucker Carlson’s Emails To Media Allies – IOTW Report

Intel Community Leaked Contents Of Tucker Carlson’s Emails To Media Allies


This is a great example of how the Intelligence Branch of the U.S. government now operates.  Not only did the NSA conduct surveillance of Tucker Carlson’s electronic communication, but the NSA also leaked Carlson’s emails to allied intelligence media (Axios, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post) who operate as PR firms on behalf of the Intelligence Branch. More

2 Comments on Intel Community Leaked Contents Of Tucker Carlson’s Emails To Media Allies

  1. Sounds like GWB’s girl Lerner “accidentally’ leaking conservative tax info. Funny that only conservatives had their taxes “leaked” NOT!
    DEEP STATE is real; and has been detrimental to Chumps for 32 years!

    Clearly still bad for CHUMPS!

  2. The reason this country has lasted as long as it has is because digital technology did not really come of age until the last two decades or so. Now that it is fully prevalent in the majority of people’s lives, watch out, it will be used for evil that no one ever comprehended. Just look at China – the model for techno-authoritarian rule.


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