‘Intentional Misfeasance’ Makes Show Trial Conviction Ripe For Reversal, Legal Experts Say – IOTW Report

‘Intentional Misfeasance’ Makes Show Trial Conviction Ripe For Reversal, Legal Experts Say

Federalist: Leftist District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s show trial delivered the Democrat Party’s dream: A felony conviction against their most hated political enemy. 

The prosecution and the trial also were also littered with legal landmines and “reversible error” that should make former President Donald Trump’s looming appeal a slam dunk, legal experts say. 

Historical and stunning but not surprising to many who have closely followed left-wing lawfare in recent years, the 12 angry Manhattan jurors after two days of deliberations found Trump guilty on all 34 trumped-up felony counts against him. Judge Juan Merchan has scheduled sentencing for July 11, just four days before the Republican National Convention is slated to begin in Milwaukee, where the GOP is poised to again nominate Trump as its presidential candidate. He will face President Joe Biden in the rematch of 2020’s mess of an election. Trump also is facing the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison, depending on the vindictiveness of a New York judicial system that has already proved to be quite vindictive. 

But the appeals process is certain to stall any sentencing, probably until after the election. And there is nothing currently stopping Trump from continuing his third presidential run, even with the kangaroo court felony conviction cheered on by his incumbent opponent. 

Constitutional law expert Hans von Spakovsky says the conviction isn’t likely to stick, for an array of reasons.

14 Comments on ‘Intentional Misfeasance’ Makes Show Trial Conviction Ripe For Reversal, Legal Experts Say

  1. Blah de Blah

    Did this guy just wake up?

    It’s Saturday

    Don’t need your bring me down re-re-re-repeated sky is falling, it’s the end of the world doom and gloom negativity today.

    The POOL is OPEN

  2. A number of “experts” and “analysts” say that this conviction changes nothing. I don’t believe for one second that the communist left would have gone to all this trouble for no return on their investment.

    I believe that they’ve got bigger plans and I’m going to freely admit that I can’t even guess what they would be. We like to dismiss them as being misguided and even ignorant but recent history shows that they are adversaries of the highest caliber. We rarely can accurately guess what they are going to do next.

    What’s most distressing is that they have the support of the majority of the Republican party.

    Something fucky this way comes. I’m certain of it.

  3. @mystaclean — BOLO for a GOP/RNC rule forbidding party candidates with felony convictions. What do you suppose the effect on the election would be if President Trump were forbidden to run as a Repugnican, and the Party dictators ran an official Rep candidate such as DeSantis or Haley?

  4. All these prediction presuppose a legal system that still functions according to at least some of the old rules. Have you folks been paying attention. What happened in NY demonstrate that there is no longer a rule of law at all

    You may say, well not everywhere. But what does that matter when you can be hauled into any jurisdiction they choose … which, BTW, is in itself a total corruption of law

  5. Consider that there are 5 months until the election. They need to prevent Trump from getting reelected, at all costs. So what does that mean? Passing a law to strip Secret Service protection? Thinking that imprisoning him would lead to him losing? I don’t know – but I do know that this is life and death for Biden family, and livelihood for tens of thousands.
    And the real question then, as Uncle Al noted, is what will GOP do to harm Trump?

  6. The day before sentencing, Trump travels to Florida. Then, after sentencing, Trump tells Merchan to kiss his a$$. Ron DeSantis tells NY to kiss his a$$ and refuses to allow NY to extradite Trump. Then he starts an investigation into how corrupt the court system is in NY.

  7. In modern lawfare, the process is the punishment.
    The Communists (both sides of the UniParty) are trying to tie PDJT up in knots so that he: can’t run/won’t run effectively, and even if he can win the Presidency in spite of stolen votes, he’ll be an ineffective President (like his first term)

  8. A reversal is only possible if the appeal is heard in an honest court room.
    Good luck finding one of those. Have you seen the make up of the Appellate court that will hear Trump’s appeal?

  9. Dan

    I’m reading precedence was set by Bush Vs Gore,a fast track to SCOTAS. Election interference. I’m not saying your wrong and I’m right. Who knows. Mark Levin and a few others are jumping up a down on this. I guess we shall see.

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