Interesting… – IOTW Report


20 Comments on Interesting…

  1. I remember travelling through southern Maryland (near Mechanicsville) back in the early 80s. We stopped at a gas station/general store for gas and went into the general store to pay. There at the counter under the glass was an assortment of handguns. As I waited to pay I was admiring the guns and the guy behind the counter asked if I was interested. I asked what I needed to buy one and he said just an ID to confirm my age and cash to make the purchase.
    Those were the days…

  2. I know you guys like this……but…

    My gun shop is a parking lot at midnight.

    If I had to go to a legit store I would try to avoid the one that sells sticky gunz.

  3. JC Penny’s had a gun shop, but a modest one in most stores through the late 1970’s at least. Eddie Bauer whole first floor was a really first rate Gun shop when they were in 5th in Seattle. He was really nice to me, maybe it was because we both wore Navy surplus knit watch caps in the winter. Mom used to take me up to Seattle and I would go through clothing that was not up to standard and he barely charged her anything for it. It was made in Kent and Puyallup IIRC. I was talking to a guy about a month ago and mentioned: Remember the guy who used to work for Chet Paulson that also worked for The Bon Marche’? Another guy butted in and said what did he go from selling suits to selling guns. No, he was the gunsmith at both places. The Seattle Bon Marche’ had a first class gun shop.


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