Interesting, in that, it looks like his mom had sex with a giraffe – IOTW Report

Interesting, in that, it looks like his mom had sex with a giraffe

Did we need the name of the horse?

We should be protecting the identities of rape victims.

To be fair, though, they didn’t reveal the horse’s last name.


20 Comments on Interesting, in that, it looks like his mom had sex with a giraffe

  1. OPPPS!
    The Liberal Mandatory EVIL Gun Photo back fires..
    Look closer it has a Orange Tip … it is a TOY GUN.

    Looks like some liberal news rag was trying to deflect from the oddity of this pencil neck geek and his liberal enjoyments.

  2. …I once read a doctor’s account of some surgical repairs he had to do on a fellow that wanted to have sex with a horse, but HE wanted ORAL sex.

    The horse wasn’t on board with this.

    And those things have strong teeth….

  3. …I heard a story once about a midget with a lisp who went to see a man about a horse.

    The rancher was put off immediately by the appearance of the midget, who he thought was too “dandified” to be a serious horseman, but went ahead and showed him the horse but was also annoyed by the lisp, which made him think the guy was some kind of gay pervert.

    They went to the horse, and the midget said “I want to see her eyths”. He was too short to see them, so the rancher had to hold him up. The midget said “Niceth eyths. I wanna see her theeth”.

    The rancher obligingly lowered him to do so.

    The midget then said “nicth theeth. Now I wanna seeth her twat”. This did in the rancher, who ran to the back of the horse holding the midget, and crammed her in the horse’s vagina.

    “THERE, YA LITTLE PERVERT! GET A GOOD LOOK, YA FREAK!”,then pulled him out and flung him to the ground in disgust.

    The midget recovered himself, stood up unsteadily, and after wiping the fluid from his eyes and mouth said “no, I meant I wanteth to watch her RUN”…

  4. …sex causes problems for horses in other ways…

    I once read of a stallion that was bred and trained as a champion, and was incredibly fast in practice. With dollar signs in his eyes, the owner took him to the track for his first race.

    The horse was in the start gate next to a filly, and they nuzzled a bit before the start. True to expectations he ran swifter than the rest, but suddenly stopped at the finish line and refused to move until the filly crossed.

    Angry about this, the owner went down to have a talk with the horse (a less profitable talent this horse also had). “Horse, you had that race easily locked up, then you stopped. I lost a ton of money on you, and I wanna know WHY.

    The horse replied “Boss, I was doing it for you, really, but I was thinking about that tasty little filly I nuzzled with, and I started thinking she wouldn’t like me if I beat her, so I let HER win so I could score. I’ll try to do better next time.

    “See that you DO, or I’m gonna have you GELDED. We’ll get those thoughts out ONE way or another.”, and he stomped off.

    The next race, same thing happened. Filly, nuzzle, stop, lose. The owner said, “That’s IT, you’re getting GELDED”, and gave orders to the vet for it that very night.

    …A few weeks later, sans testicles, the horse was healed and trained back up, and was faster than ever. The owner went to see him and asked “do you still think about fillies?”

    The horse said “No boss. Those thoughts are gone, and I’m focused and gonna win this one for you,”

    The horses lined up in the gate, and sure enough, he completely ignored the fillies on both sides, no matter how enticingly they tossed their manes at him.

    Then the race started, and the horse sat immediately on the ground and was disqualified.

    .. Stomping down to the stable, the owner said “What the HELL was it THIS time? Why did you fall down?”

    …the horse said, “I didn’t mean to, Boss. This time, I was alert, I was focused, I wasn’t thinking about anything but winning this race for you. But then the gate opened and a guy on the speaker said, “AND, THEY’RE OFF!”, so I was SO mortified that I crossed my legs to hide it, and that’s why I fell down”…

  5. @bike mike January 25, 2019 at 6:43 am

    “They wanted you to know it was a mare so you do not think Kenneth is gay”

    They wanted you to know it was a mare, not that Kenneth is gay, so it was not OK.


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