BUMPED- Interesting – Platte River Network Employee Requested Info From Online Experts On How To Memory Hole Emails – IOTW Report

BUMPED- Interesting – Platte River Network Employee Requested Info From Online Experts On How To Memory Hole Emails

We picked up this Conservative Treehouse story early this morning. It deserves a bump because so many outlets are picking up the story and it’s breaking nationally. Word is this is sending reverberations through congress.

Gateway picked up the story at noon, but to be fair, Hoft has a much, much better version.


Conservative Treehouse-

Discovery – 2014 Reddit Archive: Platte River Network’s Paul Combetta (“Oh Sh*t” Guy) Requesting Tech Help To Strip “VIP’s Emails”…

A rather stunning discovery has been made by a researcher named Katica who uncovered a July 24th 2014 Reddit thread started by Platte River Network executive Paul Combetta who -at the time- was requesting technical advice on how to strip a “VIP (VERY VIP)” email address from archives stored on a server he has “full access to“.

Platte River Network used BleachBit to remove all traces of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.


ht/ tb

23 Comments on BUMPED- Interesting – Platte River Network Employee Requested Info From Online Experts On How To Memory Hole Emails

  1. For anyone with half a brain, this is obviously proof of more illegal activity involving the Clintons and specifically Hillary.
    Her devotees won’t care. They’ll say it’s Conbetta’s fault and Hillary had nothing to do with it.
    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. Beachmom, they’ll probably say something like,
    ”Well, okaaaayyyy…so there was “intent.”
    But she didn’t intend to do anything BAD!
    it wasn’t *intent* intent!”

  3. The Director of the FBI, Comey and his 150 top notch investigators couldn’t find their ass with either hand. Yet, one researcher finds what the FBI never looked for.

    No faith in the equal justice doled out by the DOJ, FBI, IRS, ATF, or any of Obama’s agencies. They obstruct justice at every turn and lie every chance they have.

    The evidence is irrefutable, the FBI is not incompetent, it is complicit.

  4. Heh.

    borismkv 1 point 2 years ago

    There is no supported way to do what you’re asking. You can only delete emails after they’re stored in the database. You can’t change them. If there was a feature in Exchange that allowed this, it could result in major legal issues. There may be ways to hack a solution, but I am not aware of any.

    The next reply is deleted. Natch.

  5. this is what I keep hammering to me @nevertrump friends. Its not about trump. Its all about the Republic. If Hillary is allowed to run with this she and her cohorts are above the law which means we are no longer equal under the law.

    The very life of the Republic is in the balance. She needs to loose and she needs to be prosecuted.

  6. I’m not sure how to link to tweets but Cernovich just re-tweeted where dickbrain put Hilarity’s IP address on Reddit.

    If true, poor dude is about to catch a nasty case of double-tap suicide

  7. combetta’s choice was either
    1. be a whistleblower.
    2. keep his mouth shut.

    he chose 2 because clinton might get elected and the fbi was part of the corruption.
    maybe i am wrong. but who do you turn to when everyone is in on it?

  8. Remember when the FBI indicated that it isn’t allowed to look into social media to see if a bride coming to the U.S. is a terrorist. Well, they probably aren’t allowed to scrutinize a Helliar’s sanitizers either.

    So now the Ryan and other globalists will say that this evidence isn’t admissible.

  9. “Word is this is sending reverberations through congress.”…
    I’ll bet it is. The Congress-critters just realized that their asses are hanging in the wind. I’m investing in companies that delete all things interwebs as I feel there will be a dynamic upswing in this technology by some very scared and wealthy politicians and lobbyists… just a thought.

  10. “maybe i am wrong. but who do you turn to when everyone is in on it? ”

    The public.

    You save everything and expose them both for what they are. Let it just sit there for all to see.

    It’s a free-for-all if no one is held accountable. Stop paying taxes at that point.

  11. If I understand any of this correctly, because the Congress can do nothing but recommend action via the FBI to the DoJ for prosecution (or directly to the DoJ), and since both of those entities are compelled by the WH to ignore any such requests, the only way justice can be served is for someone to file a civil lawsuit against Killery. Is that right? Why can’t the Congress do something about an internal obstruction of justice? That seems like a major flaw in the Constitution. Surely Madison, et al, anticipated such a situation(?)

  12. J6P – those are the poor man’s google glasses.
    $12 readers from CVS
    Dab of super glue
    And a teensy rear view mirror

    And boy is that rear view mirror gonna come in handy!

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  1. We Used To Call This Kind Of Thing “Consciousness Of Guilt Evidence” Back In The Prosecuting Bidness | Western Rifle Shooters Association

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