Interesting Video About Bullying Ends In Unexpected Way – IOTW Report

Interesting Video About Bullying Ends In Unexpected Way

This is 15 minutes long, but I watch all videos of that length at 1.75 speed.

I kept watching because the man is a compelling speaker, and I wanted to hear his advice for dealing with bullies.

Watch until the end, it takes a turn, and the guy is right on the money.

ht/ KPark

14 Comments on Interesting Video About Bullying Ends In Unexpected Way

  1. That video is dangerous and Ive reported Youtube to take that video imediately before people are killed by watching the video ! Im here to save you stupid people weather you want it or not!

  2. The problem with the guy’s premise, as wrapped up in the last question, is that people have already made up their minds on it, or already had their minds made up for them.

    The stupid like Cassandra will say yes, everything we’re going through is worth it because we’ve been TOLD it’s worth it. Their one-link chain of thought ends there.

    Those who already agree with him know that the stupid like Cassandra cannot be reasoned with since they won’t or can’t honestly entertain uncomfortable possibilities. Waste of time arguing with politicized programming. Those like Cassandra think just considering the question will make them love Trump. Their minds are waterproofed against any source that hasn’t already programmed them. NPCs.

    So there’s almost no one left to even pose the question to. Almost no minds are going to be changed by his question, though it is a very good one.

  3. I taught our kids from the start, when they ever first went out and about on their own or with friends, that if anyone tried to force them into a car or drag them off by the threat of death, to fight with all their might right where they were, because once they were carried off, they would be killed and or raped or even worse anyway. Yes, I scarred my kids. I think I scarred them smart.

    Prayers for the young ones who don’t have street smarts ingrained in them.

  4. People are so paralyzed with fear particularly if they’ve fed the msm into their houses for six weeks. They know once people venture out and don’t get sick and die and life goes on they’ll lose the control. I’m not wearing a mask anywhere. I can’t believe by the end of May with hot weather in many areas people won’t be ready to shed them and get on with living again.

  5. OH MY GOD!!!
    He’s absolutely correct!
    Trump knew it and even told us…. remember the cure can’t be worse than the disease.

    Must see TV
    Share with everyone.

  6. The bullying thing is a scam and a fraud.

    Does anyone believe that a person who claims to be a victim of bullying has not him/herself not bullied others?

    Anyhow, persons who are strong inside (believing in God) will not be weakened by bullying.

  7. The political underpinnings are pretty blatant. The political intent may not have been the progenitor of the initial reaction but the continuation of the hysterical talk in light of facts coming out is pure political opportunism. Really, bullying.

  8. A very sobering assessment of what we are facing. Hard to believe that people with a mic and a platform are saying things like, “If it saves even ONE life!” Hogwash! Not only is that the most dangerous path, it’s only purpose is to serve the agenda of those saying it — which is not even remotely about saving anyone. The Left does not think in terms of individuals at all.

  9. Very clever! Great logic and analogy. Love it. The YouTube leftist censors will end up twisting their “Community Standards” into knots trying to justify taking down this video. On the other hand, YouTube management might not be smart enough to see this is critical of the pandemic hoax.

  10. And the bully’s are the Media Industrial Complex, the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, and the Deep State.

    To all who attempt oppression in any form I say FUCK OFF.

    Because as long as we’re still armed we still have a say. This will become relevant when we are forced into taking a vaccine in order to operate within society.

    ….and I’m zero’d.


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