Interesting WAPO story mired by idiotic political agenda – IOTW Report

Interesting WAPO story mired by idiotic political agenda

The headline on Digg caught my eye –

Scientists Crack The Mystery Of Ancient Roman Concrete’s 2,000-Year Life Span

I always pondered about how long ancient structures have lasted. Yes, many are in “ruins,” but think about the thousands of years they’ve been standing.

The article showed part of a concrete pier in Tuscany, still there. And scientists think they’ve figured out the secret to its longevity. Volcanic ash, lime and sea water, combine to form crystals, giving it strength.

So I clicked through to the article. Here is the WAPO headline-

Ancient Romans made world’s ‘most durable’ concrete. We might use it to stop rising seas.

Eye roll.

I’m moving on.

I had to endure this sort of sh*t with my insane progtarded brother, where every conversation was a road towards leftist politics.

Me: “This is good pizza.”

Jerk: “Pizza’s not even a thing in Italy. It’s a made-up cultural product by American capitalists to make money while creating the illusion that Americans are culturally diverse when they are just fat white people who never go anywhere and get fat and…”

Me: “Pizza is a thing in Italy you fat f*cking cliche’ spewing idiot.”

Jerk: (Tries to start fist fight)



16 Comments on Interesting WAPO story mired by idiotic political agenda

  1. “Ancient Romans made world’s ‘most durable’ concrete. We will use it to keep out third world invaders from the south.”

    Fixed it for them..

  2. How unfortunate for you. It’s hard to escape dysfunctional family. I’m fortunate that my mother, both sisters and my brother-in-law are all like minded.

    One of my nieces, however, is a thieving, mooching, out of wedlock multi negro producing, no job, no car. OK. I’m stealing Rat Fink’s schtick here.

    Sorry about your brother. That’s gotta be tough.
    i had to be patient with some old friends, asking obvious questions that lead them to consider logic, rather than emotion or popular sentiment. It’s taken some time and patience, but we’re friends again.

  3. They are so Desperate to Figure out the Magic behind these Ancient Structures ! They Seem to want a relevance in Ancient Science – Archeology etc.
    They Never Will, They Lack the Ability to think Outside of the Box .
    The only Certainty is Liberals were the Workers, Not The Thinkers !

  4. More fear-mongering about rising sea levels. Notice that those same people aren’t afraid to build by the ocean. It makes me wonder if the idea is to convince people to sell at a loss and move away, leaving prime ocean-front property to be snapped up by these same fear-mongers.

  5. Leftists couldn’t even maintain a goddam levee on the Mississippi River back in 2005. They’ll find a way to faak up the best concrete that cap & trade loot can buy.

  6. This sudden lefty fascination with pagan, slave-owning imperialists is unsettling. I heard that Macron said he would govern France like a Roman God. That’s got to be setting off alarm bells among Christians who are paying attention.

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