Interior Remodel – IOTW Report

Interior Remodel

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday to reorganize the federal government, a welcome move for Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke as he attempts to restructure the Department of the Interior (DOI).

Trump’s order directs the Office of Management and Budget to suggest ways to consolidate the federal government, streamlining agencies and repositioning some under departments more closely aligned with each agency’s responsibilities, according to a White House statement.

“President Trump is a businessman who knows that an effective operation needs to be organized for success, which is exactly why he is leading this commonsense reorganization of the executive branch,” Zinke said in a statement commending Trump’s move. “By merging agencies that handle similar, if not the same, functions we would be able to greatly improve services to the American people and better protect the land and wildlife under our care.”  more here

10 Comments on Interior Remodel

  1. Let the permanent lay offs begin!
    Let the parasites face work prospects in the free market like those of us they have so much contempt for. I doubt if they will be able to cut it. In the private sector employers actually expect results.

  2. “The business of America is Business.”

    The US, run like a bureaucracy, will bloat into extinction. The US, run like a business, has half a chance of survival.

    Streamlining of a corporation will leave me without a job by the end of this year. I don’t care. They’re buying me out. It’s the Dilbert principle: “We will continue to pay our best people to leave.”

  3. With unemployment at historic lows, companies coming back to the U.S. with staggering workforce needs, those parasites who have been resting and vesting in gov’t jobs will be welcome in the private employment pool. Better that than to seek “guest workers” or visa workers.

    And here’s something else to consider: Which worker does the public sector prefer? I’m not going to answer that, but I think we all know. Private employers will drive the change we need to see in public education, and there will be other social changes effected by the changes/reductions in public employment. As it stands now, I feel like I’m living in a city (Seattle) that, despite many major private employers, has created an entire infrastructure geared toward the provision of public employees and those who live on tax dollars.

    The point of this admin’s Drain the Swamp agenda is to reduce the size of gov’t and eliminate — wherever they can — the unconstitutional Administrative State (Deep State). POTUS Trump has been mulling this over for the past 40 years. It’s one of the first EOs he signed after taking office.

  4. About that picture. Isn’t that the one where Trump caught Obama loitering in the public mens room for hours trying to lock eyes with every man that entered?


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