Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Leaving Trump Administration – IOTW Report

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Leaving Trump Administration

Daily Caller: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will be leaving his position on the Trump cabinet by the end of the year, President Donald Trump announced Saturday morning.

Secretary of the Interior @RyanZinke will be leaving the Administration at the end of the year after having served for a period of almost two years. Ryan has accomplished much during his tenure and I want to thank him for his service to our Nation…….

……The Trump Administration will be announcing the new Secretary of the Interior next week.
The White House has begun identifying potential replacements for Zinke, according to Bloomberg. Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, all Republicans, are all in the running to be next secretary of the interior, Bloomberg reports.  MORE HERE
SNIP:  Oh, for the love of nature, DO NOT PICK DEAN HELLER! He’s anti-gun, anti-Conservative RINO, and has Trump derangement syndrome.  Why is he on this list? (Hopefully for Heller to get his hopes up and so Trump can snatch it back. LOL)
I’ll tell you what list he should be on: Your sh!t list. He’s near the top of mine!

14 Comments on Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Leaving Trump Administration

  1. MJA, I couldn’t agree with you more. I believe we both know Dean and we both know Adam. Heller was a shitty senator, and would be a disaster as Secretary of the Interior.

  2. Ryan Zinke did a great job restoring the Department of the Interior to its original purpose. He was a very bold Secretary of the Interior. Zinke restored balanced to the multiple use of the millions of acres of Federal Lands in the Western States. I loved what he started with the Utah National Monuments by reducing the size of the Escalante and Bears Ears to a manageable size. He is, however, a political liability now that the Democrats control the House of Representatives. Zinke will have a great future in Montana politics.

  3. People like “Haha” most likely have no clue what it is like to work in a high stress, constant go-go-go, environment.
    Not to mention the amount of attacks that come every single day.
    In the military it is common to be in one spot for 3, maybe 4, years and then move on to the next assignment. There is a reason for that.
    So to you “Haha” – go fuck off and die.

  4. Not sorry to see Zinke go.
    He has allowed radical envirotards to gain a toehold here in North Maine by not de-authorizing a new national monument in the middle of our industrial working forest.
    Now it’s just a matter of time until they start the taking process in order to amass the 4 plus million acre pre-human sanctuary/preserve that they’ve been dreaming of for decades.

  5. Democrats made a TON of false accusations against Zinke.
    Now the Democrat Media Mafia dutifully reports that Zinke’s term was full of controversy, then they list off all the supposed controversies.
    And all of them are bullshit.

  6. Without a proper border, is it even possible to define what the ‘interior’ is, without having defined the ‘exterior?’

    That’s deep,,,.

    A big electrified fence with bullet carrying National Guard on this side.
    Low cost, efficient protection.

    Any more questions?

  7. Haha”
    “If my company had the turn over rate of this idiots Whitehouse I would have closed the doors loooong ago.”
    You obviously voted for Obama and are still receiving Soros funded money keeping your ‘doors” open.
    Enjoy watching Wendy Williams,,, ‘How You Doin’,

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