Internal Capitol Police Documents on Ashli Babbitt Shooting Released: ‘No Good Reason for Shooting,’ Judicial Watch President Says – IOTW Report

Internal Capitol Police Documents on Ashli Babbitt Shooting Released: ‘No Good Reason for Shooting,’ Judicial Watch President Says

Becker News:

Internal Capitol Police documents were obtained and released by legal watchdog Judicial Watch. The nearly 500 pages of interviews of witnesses and investigators of the Ashli Babbitt shooting reveal “no good reason for shooting,” according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“These previously secret records show there was no good reason to shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt,” Fitton said.  “The Biden-Garland Justice Department and the Pelosi Congress have much to answer for the over the mishandling and cover-up of this scandalous killing of an American citizen by the U.S. Capitol Police.”

The Capitol Police reports directly to the Congress and is not typically liable to FOIA request. Judicial Watch obtained the documents via lawsuit filed in May. The internal police documents are littered with redactions, as well as entire pages withdrawn from the public record. Ashli Babbitt’s shooter, Lt. Michael Byrd, is named openly throughout the documents. more here

16 Comments on Internal Capitol Police Documents on Ashli Babbitt Shooting Released: ‘No Good Reason for Shooting,’ Judicial Watch President Says

  1. Everyone with an ounce of sense knows her shooting wasn’t even remotely justified, but the cunts in DC want to slap the serfs around a bit; so they’re gonna make a hero out of that fucking nigger retard who murdered Babbitt just to rub it in everyone’s faces that the law doesn’t mean a goddamn thing anymore.

  2. Blood lust.
    A bunch of Capitol Police are frustrated Nazis. The job was patronage when I started on the Hill, so the cops were pretty laid back. Now there’re no promotions based on merit, no assignments based on desire, and the Sergeants (a lot of short, fat, women) are always nit-picking.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He left his loaded weapon in a bathroom and nothing happened.

    He’s black. His victim was white. Soon enough the hammer is going to fall on someone who’s partner is an old man with a terminal illness.


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