Internet Mask/Covid Rant – Author Unknown – IOTW Report

Internet Mask/Covid Rant – Author Unknown

I’m sorry but anyone who thinks that social distancing is a good idea for the next few years, actually wants to be micro-chipped or thinks that a ‘benevolent’ dictatorship is for the good of humanity, I don’t want to give that point of view any of my energy.

I am a free human being and if you want to stay home, stay home. That’s your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to wear a mask, wear a mask. That is your sovereign right to choose.

If you want to avoid large crowds, avoid large crowds. That’s your sovereign right to choose.

I am not required to descend into poverty for YOU.
I am not required to abstain from human contact for YOU.
I refuse to participate in “quarantine life” until there’s an unsafe, untested vaccine released in eighteen months.

I refuse to receive a vaccine to make others feel more safe because that is MY sovereign right to choose!

If you’re convinced the vaccine is safe and effective, you can get it yourself.
Some of you are allowing fear and policies devoid of scientifically accurate data to destroy the country you live in and ruin your life.

We have a constitutional right to take risks. Life is full of bacteria and viruses, many of which spread before symptoms manifest and after they subside.

We have a sovereign right to receive OR refuse vaccines.
The data was inaccurate at best; purposely overblown to justify government overreaction at worst.

Stop allowing the government to destroy:
The food supply;
Small businesses;
Medical autonomy;
Access to healthcare;
Mass gatherings;
Privacy rights;
Our mental health & freedom

When the “new normal” is filled with starvation, depression, suicide, child abuse, domestic violence, imprisonment, governmental spying, and pure DESPERATION, the “virus” is going to look preferable to the world you helped facilitate.

I’m going to turn this around on people from now on. Those who say I’m (or anyone that supports this) putting money over lives by wanting the country back open for business, hear this:

-YOU don’t care about the people who will kill themselves out of hopelessness

-YOU don’t care about small businesses that’ll close their doors (THEIR LIVELIHOOD) permanently

-YOU don’t care about the children/women/men who will be victims of domestic abuse

-YOU don’t care about people defaulting on their mortgages

-YOU don’t care about bills going unpaid by families with ZERO income right now

-YOU don’t care about people wondering where their next meal will come from

-YOU don’t care about the people who will lose their sobriety and slip back into alcoholism

-YOU don’t care about the people who will starve

-YOU support the inevitable looting that’ll take place

-YOU don’t care about anyone who is murdered the longer this shut down goes on

-YOU don’t care about people’s mental health

-YOU don’t care about the children who DO need teachers and educators to guide & educate them

-YOU don’t care about the economy crashing down around us


-YOU love your shackles
begging your leaders for MORE shut down and MORE regulations and MORE handouts

I will NOT tolerate another person telling me that I don’t care about lives.

I care about the situation in its entirety.

But YOU don’t care about any of that so…
YOU stay home.
YOU wear a mask.
YOU live in fear.

I, on the other hand, will not as is my sovereign right to choose NOT TO!

-author unknown

ht/ nm

18 Comments on Internet Mask/Covid Rant – Author Unknown

  1. Bravo Unknown! Bravo!

    this should be addressed to every Governor, Senator, Congresscritter, Mayor, local government official, county officials, city officials, town officials … all the way down to the local Karen’s of the HOA’s

    yell it from the rooftops people!

    the time for being polite is OVER

  2. Mr. Hat this is what we all need to hear.
    More please.
    Lots and Lots more of this message. I am tired of all the Debbie Downers.
    Can’t win. Bullshit we will win, and win again.
    We have the upper hand and are not playing it.
    Thank you.
    You have a pen use it.

  3. A teenage friend barely gets out of bed. Why bother? There is literally nothing for her to do, and she can’t leave the house much. I spoke to her a couple of days ago, she needed a ride home and I was happy to see her for a few minutes. She is managing, but feels depression with no human contact apart from her mom and sister. A classmate committed suicide 3 weeks ago, someone she knew.
    Meanwhile, when I post on Facebook about considering the impact of the lock-ins, the school shutdowns, park shutdowns, etc. I am accused of being hateful toward the next potential COVID victim. My parents are in their 80s, my dad particularly weak in health. I buy their groceries to reduce their contact with others. But among the Karens there is no quarter, no reason whatsoever why we should allow normalcy, or normalcy with extra sanitary precautions. They simply don’t think.

  4. I remember hearing a while back someone on Fox say that the government can constitutionally force you to get vaccinated. The reasoning is along the same lines that the government can constitutionally force draft you to serve your country. Gov can declare vaccination is for the safety and sovereignty of the country as a whole, just like the draft.

    I’d like to hear some points that dispute this claim.

  5. I have a family member in the nursing home, it has been months since any of us have been able to see her. On her birthday my daughter and I took my grandkids to see her through the door, thinking it would cheer her up. It was worse than not seeing her, the kids didn’t understand why they had to stare at her like an animal at the zoo(their words not mine), she cried, we cried.

    I talk to her daily on the phone, all of us in the family do. She has dementia so we have to answer again and again why nobody comes to see her. On days when she remembers or understands she tells us she’d rather die than live another day like this, that she feels like they’re going to make her die without ever seeing her family again. She has told them she wants to see her family, just let them visit outside with her, she needs to hug us and she promises she will then stay in her room for as long as they want her to.
    These bastards in government, media and the damn nazi citizens, Republican, Democrats, Independents, Libertarians, all of them deserve to be punished for the rest of their miserable lives for this shit. If the bastards would quit obeying like little bitches and say they weren’t wearing a mask, they weren’t closing their business, they weren’t social distancing, this would have ended a long time ago.
    So each day I see someone in a mask, each day I have to listen to her, the more furious I get at the idiots wearing their damn masks. I want to jerk them off their face and cram them down their throats.

    So in other words, most days I’m ready for the damn civil war. I have a list of enemies a mile long thanks to social media. I appreciate them letting me know who to fire against once it starts.

  6. Old Racist White Woman
    I feel for you and your family, have a friend of the family who’s in the same kind of situation.

    These are the kind of news stories that need to get out there, instead of the claptrap they dish out everyday.

    Thoughts and Prayers to you and your family. 🕊️❤️🙏

  7. I don’t get flu shots and I’m not going to get this shot. The CDC has proven itself completely untrustworthy as well as the other government entities.
    Trust your own instincts on this, your well being is your own responsibility.

  8. I am so glad that my mom and dad both mercifully passed away 2 years due to my dad being 89 and my mom almost 93 after being married for 65 + years. They lived thru the Depression, World War 2 and the Korean war and the 50’s and 60’s only to have this madness descend on America like it has now. I miss them and the old America as it was before the left has almost totally destroyed it. But I have hope that God will prevail and we will get thru this. Suffering always is miserable when you’re in the midst of it but there’s always grace and mercy and a better tomorrow after getting thru the worst of it. I know now for my own part that it hasn’t been easy since my wife died and all the rest of the things I went thru but I know that God is faithful to us corporately as a nation and individually to get us thru this. And maybe someday we can actually laugh about it, but not yet.


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