Interview with Black Influencers – Brothers Hayes – UAF – IOTW Report

Interview with Black Influencers – Brothers Hayes – UAF

Discussions of Conservatism, the 1st Amendment, Kavanaugh and Obama.

Unite America First website.

The Hayes Brothers you tube channel.

h/t Bad_Brad

2 Comments on Interview with Black Influencers – Brothers Hayes – UAF

  1. I was also listening to Charlie Kirk’s talk at the Gateway Eagle Council (forum) from this past weekend (he and Candace Owens have teamed up together and have been giving talks EVERYWHERE for TPUSA this past year), and he said that Candace couldn’t be there this weekend — as she had been scheduled — because she had to stay a few days over to finish putting together a deal with some musicians that would be announced in the next several days. Kirk said it was a really big deal and would make a yuge! splash regarding the black vote for POTUS Trump’s party. Said the black Americans’ vote was going to go through the roof. Looks like we’re about to experience blacks coming back home to the Republican party.

  2. Gladdens me to see the positive attitude return that I have witnessed in my life. A return to uniting after Obama and the forced division by politics for votes. We all have more in common than 80 year old greedy racists who still keep getting elected. And now today, that goes both ways.


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