Introducing the a-hole in charge of Twitter’s “site integrity” – IOTW Report

Introducing the a-hole in charge of Twitter’s “site integrity”

10 Comments on Introducing the a-hole in charge of Twitter’s “site integrity”

  1. Yoel Roth is apparently a queer. A queer tyrant. And a queer tyrant has to be an atheist. And by definition a pervert. There is no other way.

    Just like Lori Lightfoot, that is a bad, bad combination. It’s a set of evil traits that wants to dominate and direct our lives by eliminating our God-given freedoms.

  2. It’s a shame that the public is confronted at every turn by corporate corruption and bias.
    The types of people who do this have no guiding principles and are driven by pure hatred,
    they can never be trusted with anything that requires integrity.
    By definition that reduces them to pure lowlife subhuman scum.

  3. A good idea or comment should be able to compete in the public arena of competition. Hell ANY idea or comment should be afforded that right and good ideas survive the test. Only weak, paranoid and disingenuous hucksters and tyrants (as in Communist countries) are the ones who benefit from censorship! Deep down they know their philosophies suck and can only survive by suppressing the truth! Welcome to the New Communism of Twitter where they will “protect” you from the truth!


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