Introducing The Advil Pain and Equity Project – IOTW Report

Introducing The Advil Pain and Equity Project

The Advil Pain Equity Project is a long-term commitment to champion equitable and accessible pain relief, created by Advil and launched in partnership with Morehouse School of Medicine and BLKHLTH. The Advil Pain Equity Project’s first campaign, Believe My Pain, is focused on illuminating the issue of pain inequity in Black communities. Here

The “Believe My Pain” is, well, unbelievable Here

And what drug campaign would be complete without a warning about taking the active ingredient in Advil, Ibuprofen, for too long. Here

I get this feeling that a certain minority group is being coddled to death by the well-meaning. – Dr. Tar

20 Comments on Introducing The Advil Pain and Equity Project

  1. Fred is driving home from the grocery store, a bit miffed because all the prices were raised on his items due to rampant shoplifting. He gets a call from his boss ,”Sorry Fred, you know that promotion that you were studying for and deserved? Our DEI officer was complaining so we had to give that promotion to Sue, who just started the company, is less qualified than you but she used to be Sam before transitioning”. Pretty dejected at this point, he pulls into his driveway and see’s his son’s car outside. This is odd, he should be starting college this week. Tommy greets him at the door ,”They gave my scholarship away to some black dude who never even graduated from high school, but is, you know, disadvantaged”.

    I wonder if Fred can get on that ,”Believe My Pain” program?

  2. Suck. My. Unit. Blax. And. Other. Coloreds.

    Either are equal, nothing more, nothing less, or I am the superior entity in the equation. Nothing else at any time. Equal or you are inferior. That is all.

  3. It’s almost as if Advil is saying blacks are inferior intellectually and don’t know how to go to a store and buy some pain relievers for aches and pains. Kind of like Democrats think they can’t find their way to a voting booth to cast a vote.

  4. Oh my giddy aunt!

    I had a hernia that inflated a hydrocele that got worse after surgery, so I basically had a throw pillow sized scrotum wherever I went. Hurts to stand, hurts to lay, and don’t even THINK about sitting!

    I’m pretty sure my geneal surgeon was a sadist because when I wheeled in my nutsack in a Radio Flyer wagon, the bastard just grinned and told me to pop dome Tylenol. I could have strangled the bastard but he knew damn well I wasn’t gonna chase him down around an exam bed with that fleshy boat anchor yanking the floor out of my pelvis.

    And I’m WHITE. So was he. Didn’t make a damn bit of difference, they’re afraid to prescribe actual EFFECTIVE pain medicines because they’re scared of lawyers and governments trying to protect their Chinese Fentanyl market.

    Hospitals are the same way. Morphine is mostly only made available now to kill DNR patients, and if your screaming disturbs them watching Tik Tok videos at the nurse’s station enough, MAYBE they’ll talk the hospitaler into issuing some lightweight crap like Tramidol just to shut you up long enough to get to shift change.

    Such it up, buttercup. EVERYONE’S in pain now, it’s got nothing to do with skin color and EVERYTHING to do with government taking over medicine in ONE way or another.

    “Black” got nothing to do with it.

    But you CAN indulge in the rich modern “culture” of pot smoking if you like.

    God knows THAT’S easy to get these days, now that government’s figured out how to make personal and tax dollars at it and, by the way, deny you buying a gun legally ever again since you signed a document branding yourself a pot smoker that puts you in violation of ATF 4473 unless your name is Biden…

  5. …and FWIW, back when I was serving up patients to assorted medical facilities, I was in a LOT of ERs and never saw or heard of a patient being denied or even questioned about pain beyond “Whats your pain level” and denials only for drug interactions or incompatible medical conditions (don’t give Aleve to heart patients, for example, whatever their color), but that’s IT. It was accepted cannon at one time that you told patients “tell me what your pain level is, if you don’t tell me I don’t know”, because that was a TRUE statement and people react differently to pain.

    Yes, there IS drug seeking behavior, but there’s questions you can ask and relatively simple tests you can do to weed most of that out. You kind of had to think about it for efficacy reasons with opioid abusers anyway, because many of them had off-the-charts tolerances and a dose that would kill Grandma wouldn’t touch them.

    That’s what doctors with their own minds, there own experiences, and their own practices were for.

    That’s why it’s called the “Medical ARTS building, because individualizing GOOD patient care is truly an art that can’t be replaced by one-size-fits-all edicts from literal midgets in Washington DC.

  6. When I had cancer the pain relief was woefully inadequate. When I broke my shoulder afterwards the pain relief was inadequate.I got relief once when I popped 2 pain pills and chugged a pina colada. Race had nothing to do with it. Doctors are afraid of being sued by patients, afraid of losing their licenses, etc. It’s a massive cluster f*ck created by government regulations.

  7. Jennifer earned her RRT 15 years ago, and even then there were several classes on negro pain versus white pain. It was bullshit then, and it’s bullshit now.

  8. Of course, the medical care system doesn’t care about the color of patients. Their pain relief protocols are socialized misery suffered by everyone – especially the middle class and elderly.

    This pain inequality stupid, evil crap is Marxist brainwashing, targeting what’s considered the most ignorant, inferior, expendable race on Earth. Black people habitually accepting the left’s lies aren’t proving them wrong.

    Margaret Sanger and WEB DuBois are long dead, but their mission to exterminate black Americans is still a roaring success. Convincing millions of black Americans to blindly advocate their own self destruction.

    That may sound like good news to some, but color is only one aspect of social engineering. After making black Americans maginalized, The left will be increasingly laser focused on their other targets – Christians, Jews, unwashed masses etc.


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