Invasive Asian Hitchhiker Has Disturbing Eating Habits – IOTW Report

Invasive Asian Hitchhiker Has Disturbing Eating Habits


Spotted lanternflies (SLFs) are native to southeast Asia, but they have made their way to the United States in recent years. The first U.S. sighting happened in Berks County, Pennsylvania, in 2014, and since then, they’ve popped up in every state Pennsylvania borders (and a few it doesn’t).

In just 7 short years, SLFs have spread to New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, eastern Ohio, and southeastern Indiana—and they did it without flying. As the Penn State Extension program explains, SLFs are exceptionally effective hitchhikers, which is how they get around:

Adult SLF[s] can hold onto vehicles moving at 65 MPH, and egg masses that look like a splash of mud can be hidden on any surface, easily blending in and moving with you anywhere in the Commonwealth and beyond.


8 Comments on Invasive Asian Hitchhiker Has Disturbing Eating Habits

  1. “Invasive Asian Hitchhiker Has Disturbing Eating Habits”

    Isn’t that par for the course with many Asians? Bats, insects, balut, various supposed aphrodisiacs made from various kinds of penis, scorpions, and Tong Zi Dan (eggs boiled in young boys urine ).


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