Investigators Know What Led Jussie Smollett To Stage Attack, Report Suggests – IOTW Report

Investigators Know What Led Jussie Smollett To Stage Attack, Report Suggests

The drama queen was outraged that the letter (that he probably sent to himself) with the noose drawn on it, and the fake anthrax in it, didn’t receive enough attention.

The guy is mentally illĀ a leftist.


8 Comments on Investigators Know What Led Jussie Smollett To Stage Attack, Report Suggests

  1. I’m more inclined to think the 3 Senators who produced the Anti-Lynching Bill were behind it. Smollett got paid. I don’t think this will be the last time a plan like this will be concocted to get laws passed in the Senate.

  2. @Truckbuddy — ‘zactly. Who needs the expense of ‘K’ Street, right?

    Now word’s going around that The Clinton Foundation (while Hills was still SoS), Pelosi and Schiff were on Chapo Guiterez’s payroll, too. Why else would they be fighting so hard for an open southern border? Big, reliable money pipeline there.

  3. He just wished that someone, anyone cared about his boring dumb ass enough to want him dead or at least beaten. That obviously is never gonna happen because for this cat to get any more desperate and pathetic he’d have to be 400# with purple hair and various facial piercings.

  4. My theory was that he knew he was being let go from the show and that if he could make himself a martyr to the anti trump, the left and the alphabet crowd they wouldn’t be able to let him go. I still think that but I’m just a dummy that works with his hands.

  5. Mentally ill leftists: is there any other kind?

    Seroously: Who else seeks to impoverish andsubjicate people and murder their own citizens – and will lie, cheat, steal and kill to accomplish it?

    Their useful idiots are also nuts: pathetic narcissists, all of them – especially the cloistered weirdos in big hollywod.

  6. FTA: “We’re told investigators didn’t believe the 2 alleged attackers screamed, ‘This is MAGA country,’ because, ‘Not a single Trump supporter watches ‘Empire.'”

    I have to admit I’ve never heard of Smollett OR Empire.


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