iOTW creates “an unsafe environment” and will be subjected to “fact-checkers” yet JOY BEHAR has a job – IOTW Report

iOTW creates “an unsafe environment” and will be subjected to “fact-checkers” yet JOY BEHAR has a job

This stupid cud swallower has just said to her dumbbell, clapping seal audience, that there is no difference between Trump and Assad, Putin and NOKO Fat Boy.

Where do I go to demand this be fact-checked?

Where do I go to complain that her stupid ass rhetoric is creating an unsafe environment?

The thing of it is, I DO NOT WANT SUCH AN AGENCY.

I want to be free to call her everything I think of her, and tell everyone why I feel that way, without fear that I will be taken down by some dumbbell flunkies that agree with Joy Behar.


26 Comments on iOTW creates “an unsafe environment” and will be subjected to “fact-checkers” yet JOY BEHAR has a job

  1. Oh, no. No moral difference? Gosh, I never imagined that DJT had had people he didn’t like any more blown apart by antiaircraft cannon or fed to starving guard dogs, nor that he had poison-gassed whole towns full of Americans, and not even that he had been in charge of the CIA, NSA, and FBI and killed his way to the top of all three agencies.

  2. after much thought & contemplation I have decided to, reluctantly, volunteer my services to the blog-a-sphere (or whatever it’s called) to police, including official ‘People’s Deputy’ armband monitor this site. I realize that this will be a burden to me & my family, but I must step up, for the good of the collective.
    Arbeit Macht Frei

  3. On a serious note about , not all women, but Joy Behar and her ilk: She is dangerous to society, as are all progressives who act like her.
    ” I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. We have emancipated them, but the remain slaves looking for their masters all the same.” Oscar Wilde, “A Picture of Dorian Grey” 1891.
    Picture Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, AG Lynch, and a whole bunch of cunts in charge. I’m pretty scared, to tell the truth, with this Muller shit

  4. uncle al…

    you don’t REALLY wonder, do you????

    don’t watch, never have watched…..only morning TV i ever watched was when my kids were little, and we watched “pinwheel”……”mouse on mars”…..”danger mouse”…..good stuff like that…..

    never got into the pizza-eating, donut-chomping mainstream “news” shows…..

    we were at the hospital for non-disclosed reasons last week, and got subjected to megyn kelly and/or ryan seacrest and his crew for HOURS…..they should not be allowed to torture us like this…..who the hell gave them the RIGHT??????

    best thing about it……listening to other patients bitch and moan about being forced to put up with it…

    worst thing about it….knowing nothing will change…i am convinced hospitals, drs offices, and airports rake in considerable revenue from these outlets paying them to keep ONLY their channels playing 24/7…..

    seems like it might be a good idea to take your laptop…..if you anticipate a prolonged wait….which you should always do when dealing with medical professionals…..

    YOU are expected to be there ON TIME……the doctors or whatever don’t guarantee THEY will get to you ON TIME…..

    i thought i had a good doctor……..when the office tells you to look it up on the internet……that’s not a good sign……

    i’m on medicare…..probbly couldn’t find a new doctor within a hundred miles…….

    “sorry, we’re not accepting new medicare patients”….

    well, i’m old, worn out, and don’t have much else left to do, so dying is about the only thing on my bucket list….

    so why am i planting garlic????

  5. moe tom….

    yes, this shit is hitting the fan big time….

    this is about the worst shit we’ve ever seen hit the fan….and we should all be scared…..

    they have taken off the mask….problem is, the MSN hasn’t let people see them ….they continue to present these fascists in their masks…..nothing to see here, move along……

    i’d like to believe that most people can see through this crap, but if that were true, the Donald would have won the popular vote by a landslide…MOST people believe what the MSN tells them….

    i’m afraid all we have left is the faith that we win in the end, as predicted in the Bible…..doesn’t do a lot of good for us who are going through this tribulation, and probably won’t make it …….that’s life, though…..

    slainte…. 🙂

  6. She looks like a demented Wilma Flintstone with that flaming red drag queen hair color which is off putting enough, but she opens her sulfurous yap and drips venom like a Komoto dragon, All while her giggling aboriginal sidekick nods approval.
    Speaking of the sidekick, can her handlers find a shirt that fits while dressing her?

  7. Behwhore should be kidnapped and taken to one of the countries that the people she worships, HilLIARy and Obama, have turned into islamist hellholes and sold off as a sex slave. That is if anyone would buy the big, fat cow.


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