iOTW Trivia – IOTW Report

iOTW Trivia

The MJAdvisor post reminded me of some iOwnTheWorld History.

Let’s see who knows this.

In year one, we had a feature where “someone” answered all questions, no matter what they were.

What was that character’s name?

68 Comments on iOTW Trivia

  1. Was it Admin Girl, Stymie and Ralph, Angry Pancreas (ha ha), FDR in Hell, Ginger? Or could it be Chalupa, who has the funniest answers to polls, trivia and “You know what to do?”

  2. iOTW started around January of 2009. I wasn’t here until that Summer, late summer, I believe.

    But, I don’t know if that character was still around then. At least, I’m going to use that as my excuse for not knowing!

  3. @Aaron Burr — That reminds me of YOUR picture of the dead guy in the back of the pickup with the two guys with shovels lookin’ at him.

    Well, it wasn’t that the whole dead guy was visible, but the way his boots stuck out there wasn’t any doubt that he was well past pinin’ for the fjords.


    Heh! I thought so. I squirreled it away HERE. Shovel ready!

  4. …I’m gonna guess Uncle Al, because he’s the closest to being as long-winded as me, but tends to stay on point MUCH better, and so far has been undebunkabke from what I’ve seen…

  5. MOXIE

    I mis “admin girl”.

    I visited I own the World when GWB was President; but not sure I was “charter user”

    Set there/here by “Rusty’s” blog Star Wars theme Name forgot. Rusty was a good guy, for a

  6. BFH
    DECEMBER 24, 2020 AT 7:45 PM

    “Most knew her then as Snark and Boobs.”

    …That isn’t very specific…EVERY woman is snark and boobs from what I’ve seen..

  7. Nope, it wasn’t I. I’ll give it a shot, though. I figure if I don’t know the answer, I’ll make up something believable and you’ll never know the difference!1! Bwahahahaha!

    @SuperShopperNightshade — check please to see if anything has changed with, uh, er, teh problem.

  8. Thanks Al for posting that. Takes me back…..

    Honestly can’t remember where we buried that guy…..probably for the best.

    But I do remember blowing all the money I made from that website on dope and booze….and motorcycle parts…..etc.

  9. I think I started posting in ’09, but I can’t remember who posted all the answers. I liked the contests back then. I even won a coveted IOTW coffee mug, but I can’t remember what the contest was.

  10. Couldn’t remember the name but I remembered the icon. Moxie- holy crap you remembered a bunch of old names, ginger! That’s way back. And snark and boobs, and admin girl, so many. Enjoy the iotw bucks ecp! I spent mine on some wonderful investment opportunities in nigeria helping some royalty I’m apparently related to….


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