iOTW Virtual Gathering – IOTW Report

iOTW Virtual Gathering

Using Skype again.

Join conversationSkype keeps the world talking. Call, message, and share whatever you want – for

4:00 PM Western5:00 PM Mountain6:00 Central7:00 Eastern


21 Comments on iOTW Virtual Gathering

  1. @TN Tux – I am of the same mind, but I risk people tuning out because I do show my face. I am not very photogenic 🙂 I do understand that some people do not want to risk exposure and support your decision. I am sure most on this site do as well, though I am not a mind reader and may be wrong.
    I look forward to having you attend either day. Or even both today and tomorrow.

  2. I do want to say that this meeting is not because of a suggestion by BFH, MJA, Claudia, or other admins of the site. I started this because it was something I was interested in. The site big wigs have either supported me or attended.
    It isn’t about me, it is about the site attendees, I just happen to be the one who set it up. My congratulations to those who do administrate the site and those that do post, or at least visit.
    On a side note, I encourage all of you to contribute via PayPal to BFH. It is a lot of effort to maintain the site. Just click on the button and contribute a buck or three each month so that the site will continue. No, I do not get a kickback, this is just my opinion.

  3. I want to know if there will be a buck toothed 1901 time traveling Chinese puppet like last time. What say you Burr? I had not LMAO like that in MOONS! And neither had my first born Manderin! 🤣

  4. Thank you RogerF – just one correction – we did have a visit last virtual gathering from none other than BFH himself. He’s a handsome devil behind those shades.

    iOTW’ers you never know when he will make an appearance. Participate and maybe you’ll get a chance to interact with him live.

  5. RogerF – I just re-read your comment and I was wrong about the big wigs attending. You said “either”, which I read to be “neither”. My bad, sorry.

  6. Wok Hay is kinda’ busy doin’ whatever it is Chinamen do on a Saturday.

    However, I did meet Gutrapali Sanscritshive. Part time elephant trainer and inventor of Indian tech support.

    Picking him up from the airport today. Should be back either later today or on time tomorrow. Figure’ he should eat at some point.

  7. It was an interesting meeting. I am not able to summarize the discussion, but we did have a variety of topics. I hope that some of you can join us tomorrow (Sunday). These meetings are not meant to follow a specific topic. It is meant to just be a familiar discussion.
    We did have some of the familiar posters, but there was no prejudice on opinions. We want an open discussion. I/we do not want anyone to go along to get along. Bring your arguments. I am willing to be convinced. All I ask is that you present your argument. If you can convince me, then I will change my position. I believe that I am right,k but I am not perfect. Prove me wrong, and I will accept it


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