iOTWr Critters – IOTW Report

iOTWr Critters

Images from:

1) Anymouse (Swans) These are racist muted swans. They chased the black swan away. It’s the best I can do with my little flip phone as you can’t even see what you’re clicking in the sunlight. That and they don’t trust me to let me get close.
2) Tim (Scarlet breasted Grosbeak) They only come through for a couple of days a year.
3) Not at all confused (Downy woodpecker)
4) Mansfield Lovell (Auggie) She makes it very difficult to take pictures of her. Soon as I whip out the camera or cell phone she immediately perks up and comes over wagging her tail. I have very few candid shots of her as a result. I also cannot get her to pose with her bare teeth exposed – trust me they’re frightful – but she is a very kind & gentle dog. We are so blessed that she doesn’t know she is mostly Belgian Malinois or we’d never control her. The only way I could get her to open up her jaw was to have the phone ready to take pics and hold onto a rawhide treat as she tried to take it from me.
5) MJA (Harp napping) My sister’s dog (and my puppyniece) “Harp”, A Miniature Pinscher. My sister sent me this pic without saying anything. I asked, “What’s she looking at?” She said, “Nothing. She’s asleep.” ROTFL. She sat down, rested her head on her shoulder and took a quick nap. Her ears are still perked up in case she needs to get back into action ASAP.
6) I………. (Joe) His name is Joe. Currently, he’s Biden his time, with a nap.
7) Claudia (Hornet) in our prairie.
8) Ghost (buds) close up.
9) TRF (Blue Jay) Found a fledgling in the tomato plants last week.
10) TRF (Blue Jay) Taking a snooze.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you (or family/friend) took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • Independence Day – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – How does your critter “celebrate”?
  • Before and After, critters as babies/adult photos, before and after photos ‘trip to the groomer’, clean critter/after mud puddle ….
  • Critters playing peek-a-boo
  • Sleeping critters – part 2.


7 Comments on iOTWr Critters

  1. We have a rock chuck (marmot) living in my back yard underneath my back yard shed. We just noticed it in the past few days grazing on the grass in my backyard. My daughter named it Phil after the ground hog in Groundhog Day, I hope it’s a Phil and not a female marmot, if I still had a dog the critter would be gone and my cat, an indoor cat stares out the upstairs window watching it. I’ve had chipmunks before as well and I wish they were still around and the occasional skunk, mostly at night and even some racoons. And lots of birds hanging around my birdfeeder and bird bath and a crow who loves to cool itself off underneath my sprinkler because it’s so hot. And we had some doves a few years ago who liked to taunt my golden retriever Indie by sitting on the powerlines above my back yard and cooing at her, it drove her nuts. I need some hummingbirds for all of our flowers but we have lots of bees, bumblebees and butterflies.


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