iOTWr Gathering 2020: Organizers Wanted – IOTW Report

iOTWr Gathering 2020: Organizers Wanted

How would you like to organize a gathering of iOTWr readers in your area?

This post is to find out if anyone is interested in planning such a gathering for their area in the next few months. Things may change if the left hyperventilates over the ChinaVirus, but for now, let’s live our lives.

Email me at this address: with
(1) your screen name
(2) your email
(3) the state/region/county for your gathering.

Last year, Illustr8r was gracious enough to write up some tips about organizing the event which I will email to you.

I will make another post on Saturday, 7-11-20, to notify everyone of all the areas where someone will be organizing an event. I will post the organizer’s screen name and the state/region/county. After that post, anyone interested in attending will then email me their information which I will forward to the organizer and they will take it from there.

I will be the contact person to enable you all to connect, so you don’t have to post your information online. For this coming week, please email me only if you will take on the job of organizing the event. Anyone interested in helping or just attending the gathering, please post a comment and do not email me until after the 7-11-20 post.

Hopefully, there will be enough people who will be able to plan an event in enough areas that we all have something happening close enough for all to attend!

Please put any questions you might have in the comments.

67 Comments on iOTWr Gathering 2020: Organizers Wanted

  1. With all the troubling time’s surrounding us, hanging out with fellow patriot’s is the best medicine we all could use right about now. 😉

    Thanks Claudia

  2. I’m too unsocial to organize a get-together, but I’d attend, as long as one is in the Black Hills. (I am not usually allowed out on my own away from home after bedtime…)

  3. Bad Brad is the only other patriot living somewhere in my general vicinity; I think. I am so desperate to be around like-minded people, even for just a few hours, I might travel pretty far!

    @Left Coast Dan, we could meet up sometime at California Tactical Academy for some range time! I drive down there every now and then.

  4. I’m in LA then and Dan we can meet in Santa Monica 3rd St Promenade if it isn’t too destroyed by the peaceful ‘protesters”
    cassone At gee Male dot con

  5. Southern WI, Northern IL or within a couple hours driving time of those…

    Week days or I’ll even give up my fun weekends playing “rent-a-cop.”

    Probably not qualified to organize, but would attend…

  6. Conservative Cowgirl

    I have a pretty good back yard for entertaining. And I’m dangerous on the BBQ. If we met on a Saturday we could go up to the National Forest on Sunday and do some shooting. I have a good selection of reactive targets. There’s a few IOTW peeps that live up in NorCal and maybe a few that would drive up from SoCal. Only thing is I couldn’t commit until the very end of July.

  7. @Aaron @Chris – I hear there is a really good chicken & waffles place near looting central! Would love to meet up with you guys one way or another, my time is pretty flexible.

    @CC – would love to meet at the shooting range! Gotta warn you – I will need instruction, a little rusty with the old firearms.

  8. Bad Brad – I live a couple miles south of the capital building; practically your neighbor. Probably driven past your shop a few times when I was out your direction. Count me in.

  9. I’m with Anymouse. I’m in Northern Illinois not far from Wisconsin. If we fail to have representation, I’ll step up. meeting? Just had one for Mom’s 95th. She’s still talking about it.

  10. Any other Montanananians out there- that would be willing to meet with a stodgy old confused person? Claudia has my e-mail address and can share it with you.

  11. All you PacificNW iOTwers I’ve kind of dropped the ball with planning our second get together.

    Sorry about that. 😟 I’m going to reach out to everyone soon.

  12. Well I probably won’t attend a VA event this year, as next Wednesday I officially become a South Carolinian, unfortunately by my reading SC does not approve of open carry but concealed is cool. Have to say that last year’s event with PHenry and Tanggor (SP) and a host of lovely ladies including Farm Wife was a blast. Would love to meet up with other like minded people around Southern SC, but I am too lazy and disorganized to be an organizer…

  13. Illustr8r, no ball has been dropped as far as I’m concerned. This has been a difficult year to plan a party. And, if anyone was feeling anxious about it all they have to do is put on their organizer hat and make something happen.

  14. Thanks @Joe6Pak 😊 It’s a bizarre time to plan anything with varying and ever changing 🦠virus rules per state. I’m thinking Fall now. Anyway, we’ll talk. 👍

  15. Please let me warn all of you of what can arise out of a simple proposal like this.

    There is a website dedicated to a particular obsolete Main Battle Rifle. One member, here in Georgia, decided he’d host a match where that was all that was allowed to shoot. Then he made that match demanding. He designed it not just to test the shooter, but the rifle also.

    People came. From all over. Then it got worse. Some few of us developed a kinship of commonality. One of us who owns a home on property in Alabama suggested we get together there for a few days in November.

    This became the focal point of an annual convocation that has been going on for over a decade. People come from Oregon, New Mexico, Maine, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Virginia, the UK and more. Outside of family interactions this is the event we all look forward to every year.

    Because this has become our other family.

    We shoot, we do things with long and short guns, silencers and belt feds. Then when the light fails we light a fire, pull up the chairs, pull a few corks and discuss the human condition far into the darkness.

    We have become a clan of brothers and sisters.

    So be careful as you arrange to meet the people who you have only known as text on a screen. This could happen to you.

  16. I am stuck in Connecticut which is part of the libtard Triad with New York and New Jersey….would love to meet some of the IOTW clan from the area….if proper disguises can be arranged under dark of night

  17. We had quite an enjoyable meet up last summer. I’m looking forward to getting together again. I’ll be having a mini meetup with another regular in Helena MT in a week or so.

  18. The mere thought of having to wear a ‘disguise’ is disheartening.

    It’s a shame that we have been pushed into a corral of easily intimidated defendants of all that is right and just.

    Not condemning…just waiting for the time when we counter-attack…en masse and unmasked.

  19. Miss Kitty, they’s a couple of us here in the Windy Apple.

    Most of us are ornery and lead near hermit like existences.

    Except me, of course. And, as previously mentioned, I’m travelin’ until late Jooleye.

    P.S. what we really need is a resource board. You know, who has what for sale, help people find stuff….junk like that.

  20. Aaron Burr

    I don’t have many family members left on this Earth, except for my fourlegged critters. I do have a cousin who lives in the Heber area that I was going to visit, my folk’s have some property up near Show Low, I need to figure out what to do with. I’m not even sure when that would be, I’m still dealing with the estate.

    By the way, hermit’s can be entertaining character’s, just sayin.’

  21. I live in the middle of everywhere North Central Kansas, ain’t nothin’ here….I propose a meet up at “OLE’S STEAK HOUSE” in Paxton Nebraska….Kansans, Coloradoans, Nebraskans, Dakota folks, Wyoming peoples even Iowans…..It’s about 150 miles from me, but you won’t be disappointed….bring your wallet. It’s gotten spendy….It’s right off of I-80 about 13 miles east from Ogallalah and 30 miles west of North Platte….But you always must remember that the only IOTWREPORT Commentator that I ever met friggin’ died (.45-70)……

  22. Y’all could come to Arden. No restaurant, no gas station, not even a stop sign. The nearest stop sign is in Redbank…little further in the other direction is a stop sign in Ava.

  23. Aaron Burr
    Not sure about the property, haven’t been there for a long time, my parents used to have a cabin at Hawley Lake, till the Indians decided they weren’t going to renew the lease. I loved Hawley Lake, have fond memories of our time there.

  24. Geeze….you sound like me.

    “I have property….where?”

    If you find out, let me know. I bet I’ll find something cool in the barn.

    Also….Cleator. Is the lot by the Yatcht Club?

  25. Ava even has a couple traffic signals. They even have a clusterfuck… called a roundabout, by fucktards.

    We even have a Pizza Hut in Ava. I fucking hate Ava.

  26. Googlemap Cleator Az. Or google the bar and yacht club.

    Peak Arizona. Plus, I’m pretty sure you can still dynamite random stuff down there.

    How could that NOT be our clubhouse?

  27. …If dynamite and yachts aren’t enough to turn your crank, Crown King is just a short jog up the hill. Antqueefers check in, but they don’t check out.

  28. @Bad Brad, target shooting in the National Forest sounds fun! I will leave my Tupperware at home and bring my real guns. 😆

    @Left Coast Dan, maybe August/September? It would be fun!

    Not sure why my avatar isn’t showing up, but it’s me.

  29. The fudge do I know about tumblyweed town. I just thought it was a cool, relatively neutral zone….you know…for Arizona people to meet and swap sticks of dynamite like baseball cards.

    I’m not moving to a big city.

  30. More here than you think, just not enough vote. No organization and too fractured. Media still shills for all the failures as if they are successes of the Dems out here. They are killing the golden goose. they just don’t get results matter, not some false stated intent.

  31. Meetings of Conservative terrorists are banned in Michigan by Reichsführer Whitmer. The Minister of Propaganda, Detroit Free Press, has evidence of an increase in nursing home deaths by Covid-19 after said meetings.

  32. It’d be really nice to actually attend one of these fabled get-togethers. Alas I don’t know if I’ll be able to just due to obligations I have here at home. Blah.

  33. Rose has given her blessing (actually, she loves to party as much as I). The seafood extravaganza is our specialty with steaks on the grill as backup. The house ain’t big though so if there are no more than 15 IOTWers in the Forsyth County, GA area, let’s do it!


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