Images from:
1) evil bunny (Rescued kittens) and their tuna bowl.
2) Bodiddley (Deer) The boss.
3) NAAC (Logan)
4) NAAC (Kilo)
5) SNS (Toad) Random critter in my yard.
6,7) SNS (Duke) My new goodboy Duke.
To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:
- A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
- ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
- Your screen name.
- Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
- Comments about the critter you want to share.
NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.
10-29 Halloween Spooky Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Critters in costume or with decorations.
11-5 Go Ahead ⊠Sleep In – The end of DST
11-12 Musical Theater – Critters performing, singing, etc.
11-19 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You – Critters giving thanks ⊠eating, playing with Thanksgiving themed decorations, etc.
11-26 Vintage Critters – Pictures of critters from your past. Theme suggested by Agatha Kakalogical.
A wonderful thanks to all who contribute their photos!
Beautiful way to start the week. Thank you and your contributors Claudia. Have a great week iotwrs.
Morning Lady C, nice break from the madness as always. Your efforts to celebrate God’s gifts of lovely little lives is always appreciated.
This toad, or one like it, generally stands sentry over my front porch during the fall months. His purpose is apparently to scare my mother-in-law into smoking on the back porch, since toads watching her creeps her out for some reason. I’m fine with him, he only peed on me once when I picked him o
up, mostly he’s OK with a little handling before we turn him loose to go reduce some of our HUGE rural insect population.
Duke’s our hypersonic gift from Heaven. You see him here in a couple rare moments of calm, but believe me that this dog has NO low speed setting. He’s part poodle and part schnauzer, and all wiry muscle and exuberance. He’s about a year old and had a hard life, being first purchased from a pet shop owned by folks we knew in the old country that were mad that the pruchasers lied to them, because one of those folks at least had the decency to surrender him back to the pet shop after getting him matted and starving and for some reason snappish and terrified around men. We went to see him at their request and he immediately took to my wife, trembling 8n her arms and breaking her heart, with only a little side trip to hug me I guess so we’d know he wouldn’t snap at me because God had selected him for us. My wife’s bichon Skippy had passed shortly before this as I mentioned briefly here
and she was very close to him and still in mourning, and wasn’t really wanting a new dog so soon, but with this bony mass of needful hair and eyes shivering in her arms, she couldn’t say no. The pet shop folks were so grateful that we were willing to take this traumatized, emaciated pet on that they even waived toe adoption fee and basically gave him to us, they’re good people and very much love animals and aren’t just hearless puppy mill disgorgers like some chains I could name. Don’t know if this link still works but here’s my wife’s introduction to him.
…anyway, he got over it as you can see. He’s a bit hairless yet from having the mats cut off, but he’s taken over our home and hearts. The other pic shows him ruling my side of the bed and he’s a fast, fearless defender now, just yesterday he broke his leash to defend me from my own chickens, who scattered in terror until my wife could corral him. He doesn’t replace Skippy but he did help fill the hole in our hearts that Skippy left, and while sometimes I think that he’d really be a better dog for a younger couple, I still thank the Lord that He sent our Duke to us when He did.
Thanks again Lady C. Obviously I always appreciate the chance to talk about my little lively gifts from the Lord.
God bless,
Bodiddly tried to trick us.
A deer with moose antlers? I thought it was photoshopped. I had to look it up. That’s a European fallow deer.
Love the critter pix. I look forward to every Sunday morning to see them.
Thx Claudia.
Sunday: day of rest, and day of peerless curator Claudia’s critters! Thanks to all who sent in photos for today’s spread.
I’m looking forward to costumed critters next week. I’d send in some of our two cats (all-black Dixie and tuxedo Killer), but I’m confident that any attempts to put costumes on them would end up involving arterial bleeding, and not feline bleeding, either!
I love seeing the pics, and stories, about the critters!!
Thanks everyone & Claudia!
Have a blessed Sunday!!!
Thanks for the critters!
Late to the page, but no less delighted!
Thanks, Claudia!
Some of my rescued kittens from a feral mama. The little black and white is now a hefty 22 pounder. Beautiful animals to start the week.