iOTWreport Contributors Pick Their Presidential Preferences One Year Out – IOTW Report

iOTWreport Contributors Pick Their Presidential Preferences One Year Out

-One year out now, who are you backing for the presidency?
-Who can you accept as the nominee, and support, if they miraculously win the primary?
-Who will you not be able to back if they are the nominee?
-Cruz or Trump- they cycle from 1st to 2nd position.
I see Trump as the President and the “face” of the admin while Cruz is the wonky one 
behind the scenes getting all of the i’s dotted and t’s crossed.
-Rand Paul and Chris Christie. 
Still appear to be “individuals,”especially Rand, that would have enough spine to resist
the GOPodPeople…although Christie would waiver to the establishment more than Rand
and he still has to explain that Obama hug.
-Rubio- as much as I want to like him I just don’t trust him. Says the “right” things but can’t trust he would do the “right” things. 
Spoilt by the Gang of 8.
Jeb! Because. Jeb! I don’t like his wire framed glasses or his air of entitlement.
-Ted Cruz
-Bush, Christie, Fiorina, Kasich
– Ted Cruz
– Trump
– Hm, not sure
– Cruz or Trump.
– I could support Rand Paul.
– I wouldn’t support Bush. I became interested in Trump because he was the original anti-Bush candidate that had traction. Trump represents proof that the people are in control of the process. It’s almost meaningless who he is, and more importantly what he is.
I do not know anyone, personally, that supports Bush. If this guy gets in I will be convinced that the government is not by the people, and that will be a very dark day in America. You need a Trump, as controversial as he is, to restore our faith that we, the people, are in charge.
-I’m still undecided. I only think that Trump, Cruz, or Rubio have arealistic shot at winning the Republican nomination:  Gun to my head, of those three, I’d actually probably vote for Rubio, mainly because I really want to see how the brewing Cruz-Trump kerfuffle is going to play out.
I love that Trump is trashing the media and has the guts to say what he feels, but I like details on policies and I haven’t really seen anything concrete from him.  How will he realistically get Mexico to pay for a wall on their border? I also have a problem with his sentiments in favor of Affirmative Action, pro-single payer health care, and pro-tax increase.  Then again, he’d bomb the shit out of ISIS and finally build a wall along the Mexican border, so I’m undecided about him.
Cruz is intelligent, sometimes I feel too much for his own good.  He said he supported the “Gang of Eight” bill a few years ago, but now says that he only said he supported it so he could attach a “bitter pill” amendment so it would sink.  So either he lied then or he’s lying now.  On top of that, that’s a pretty inside-Washington strategy when it comes to legislation.  Then again, he’s been fighting the tide of liberal insanity for years now in the Senate and he’s held his own, for the most part, in the debates.
Rubio’s stances on amnesty are weak, but he’s pro-military, pro-low taxes, pro-second amendment, and I think has done an excellent job in the debates.  According to Conservative Review, he’s second only to Cruz in his conservatism.  He’s not my favorite guy, but I’d love to see someone wipe the floor with Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders in a Presidential debate.  Then again, I don’t really feel like having a first-term Senator become President again.  But then again, Rubio isn’t a socialist nitwit.
-Everyone running on the Republican side.  Whoever wins, they win because the conservative GOP base will have voted for them.  Even if it’s someone like Kasich, who seems squirrely to me, it’s better than a socialist from Vermont or a corruption-laden career politician.  As Reagan would say, you take a half a loaf of bread if you’d otherwise have none.  Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders offer nothing.  Hell, they’d take your loaf and give it to someone they deem more worthy of it.
 -Who will I not be able to back if they are the nominee? Like I said, half a loaf is better than none.  Yes, even Jeb.
– Currently, I am stuck between Cruz and Trump.  I give them equal ranking.
– Trump, Cruz, Carson, Paul
– BOOSH!  If he gets the corona…I mean nomination, I will probably write-in Trump when I vote. There are others that I may support…or not, depending on the circumstances leading up to their nomination.
I see this as the last chance for a peaceful solution to our current ills.  If a democrap wins the election I fear it will tear the country apart within four years.
Hippie Critic
 – No particular candidate
 – Can back Trump, Cruz, Carson—grudgingly can back Christie, Santorum, Huckabee
– Can’t back Jeb!, Rubio or Kasich
– Cruz, Ceres
– Trump, Paul, any near-Earth-object
– Any prog [both parties], Arthur Spooner
Mr. Pinko
– Trump, because he’s still my F*ck-You-GOP vote. And the more the GOP whines (Nikki Haley) the more I back him.
– Ted Cruz
– Jeb Bush, Rubio and all the rest of the WHINOs running
Irony Curtain
-Trump and/or Cruz for me, ideally.
-Anyone but Hillary or Bernie (The thought of watching Bernie chew egg salad with his mouth open is cruel and unusual)
-Can’t back Jeb

(Still waiting on Dr. Tar and illustr8r. We’ll rebump when they weigh in.)

99 Comments on iOTWreport Contributors Pick Their Presidential Preferences One Year Out

  1. I’ve donated to Cruz, but I’m more in Pinko’s camp now – we need the brashness that Trump brings.
    I’ll vote GOP in November, unless Trump runs 3rd-party against a RINO which I don’t expect to happen. I hope I don’t have to hold my nose when I do it.

  2. Supporting Cruz but will vote for GOP nominee no matter what. Why would I refuse to support any of them? Why would I choose to sit home and not vote? I understand that not one of them is ideal but by not voting is giving the devil in a pantsuit on a free pass to the Presidency. So there…let me have it…

  3. I see Trump taking it all.
    I would also vote for Paul or Cruz but it wont be necessary.
    No one else. Absolutely not.
    If I talk politics with people in my neck of the irrelevant woods, (primary wise) They are mostly Trump voters. Last time most people i knew were voting Romney, gop elite. I begged them not to, “how will our country ever change if you do that? “and they thought i was nuts voting libertarian. I feel like the shoe is on the other foot this time around. Everyone knows the GOP is rotten.

  4. IMHO, Cruz is a stealth globalist. He IS NOT what his supporters think he is. Maybe he’s not even stealth when you look at his record. I’m sorry friends, but I need to be direct and honest. Those who are looking to Cruz are living in a fantasy world of hope if you really think he’s not a player.

    TRUMP is the only one I can support. He knows where the bodies are buried. I can no longer hold my nose and vote.

  5. Hey, you should be proud to give up your home for President-elect Trump’s new casino. It’s the least you can do for him. Besides, it’s good for American business, and how can that be bad?


  6. 1-Trump
    2- None of them, they are ALL bought.
    3- I am so jaded by the rigged system that I believe if Trump doesn’t get the nomination, it will be because it was stolen, so again, none of them, they are ALL bought and part of the problem. I have voted straight R always.

  7. wow!….no one has even mentioned Carson…how quickly he’s fallen
    Agree with most. My pick is Trump, then Cruz ….probably go w/ Rubio if he’s the nominee only because the thought of the Hildabeast or dottering commiesanders actually winning is an absolute nightmare
    …Bush/Kasick/Paul/Krispy/Carson/Fiorino are nothing more than wasteful distractions at this point

  8. Ummm, let’s see…, wait…uh, um..

    Mr. Donald J. Trump!

    If a RINO or ‘rat steals the election, I’m moving to a REAL socialist country where even white people get free stuff! I figure “Hey, what’s the diff if they take my money now and leave me broke, able to do nothing I like anymore versus giving me all the basic needs and letting me loaf around anyway.”

  9. I agree. I also owe you an apology for not responding. I noticed the other day cleaning up my response got lost in a draft folder for some reason, kids or some other distraction. Anyway, checking 3F daily looking for Wigsplitter, maybe I’ll drop a line soon to see if you guys care to share a pint.

  10. My birthday is next Wednesday. Why didn’t you invite me?

    Because I’m not a hooker?

    *falls on floor, assumes fetal position, and loudly demands a safe space for non-hookers*

  11. I favor Rick Santorum, but with Hillary the likely opponent, I have to be realistic–he can’t win.

    So it’s Cruz. I would be fine with Trump, especially if he picks Cruz as his running mate.

    Again, given Hillary as the Democratic nominee, I would vote for any Republican candidate EXCEPT Jeb! He’s a total doofus and allows his marriage to a Messican color his ideas on immigration. Put us first, shithead!

    Bush v. Clinton? SHOOT. ME. NOW.

  12. I would walk across hot coals to go vote for Cruz. I can’t make up my mind on Trump. I love his “I don’t give a f*ck” attitude but I’m not convinced he’ll follow thru with what he says. The guy voted for Obama in ’08. Who knows? I don’t blame people for liking him, I’m just not sold

  13. – Cruz
    – Trump
    – eenie meeney miney MoeTom or Grumpy Cat and Pokey but probably Rand Paul or the candidate who understands Pisslam is evil and who repects theConstitution. That excludes Kasich, Bush and Purina

  14. This primary IS NOT ordinary. Perhaps we have never had an “ordinary” primary in decades. ONE man has to have a tamper-proof mandate to beat Jebbie and all the globalists. One man HAS to have a mandate that cannot be jerked around. Cruz will never get that mandate. Trump stands a chance if Cruz and Carson people go for Trump, we win.

    For anyone who thinks Trump won’t make U.S. proud and strong, please listen to his speeches, starting here: Ranger O’Neil is speaking before Trump, starting at (minus) -11 .

  15. Cruz all the way.
    Trump, because I love that he is politically incorrect.
    Rubio, Paul, or Carson are my third tier.
    If none of these get the nomination, I’ll write in Palin. Because it won’t matter, this country will be lost.

  16. I never watched, ever.
    The first episode I saw, after 4 seasons, or so, I expected to see a clown, giving clowns clown advice.
    I was wrong.
    Trump took the show very seriously and his advice and his critiques were remarkably insightful.
    I was impressed.
    He was a lot quicker and professional than what I thought he’d be.
    In fact, his campaigning seems less dignified than what the show was.

  17. Cruz/Trump or Trump/Cruz

    Same as above

    Not Rubio-sold out
    Never Jeb!, Kasich, Christie, etc.

    If the first two don’t join forces, we’re toast so the hell with the rest of them.
    And pray for the Rapture!

  18. Trump or Cruz will get my vote.
    Never again voting for any RINOS, that includes; Bush, Rubio, Fiorina, Christie, Kasich. Not voting for flakes either – Santorum, Carson or Paul. Will write in Trump or Cruz even if neither is the nominee. No, I am not wasting my vote.

  19. Trump, Cruz, Paul. Trump is the right man at the right time, we can look back and wish for one of the founders but they are not available. Cruz is not what he seems to be, to much big money behind him, yes he is smart as a whip but so is Trump and I think Trump is faster on his feet and can make snap decisions that more times then not are right. Just look at what we are talking about as a nation right now all issues that Trump started.
    If I may say I think some of our leaders on this blog need to go to both Trump and Cruz’s web sites and read up on their positions. Trump’s detractors are always complaining that he doesn’t have any details, but his position papers are very detailed and on his website. And they’ve been there for months. Not just bullet statements or sound bytes.

  20. None of them have shown me crap. Where are the constitutional questions? Trump I doubt knows anything of the constitution from what he has demonstrated, which is no different than any of the others haven’t demonstrated sh*t constitutionally wise. I’m sick of the lot of them. When are we going to play hard ball, I’m damn tired of listening to all of the BS they are touting, each and every one of them.

    My Fair Lady says it best:

  21. I would like to see someone who knows how to do these things, organize a write-in campaign for a conservative candidate, if Yeb gets the nomination. We’d need to let people know they can’t just sit home, but they also can’t vote for Hillary/Sanders. I see so many responses all over the place about what people would do if a RINO gets the nod. Let’s give them a strong alternative. Anybody have any thoughts on this?

  22. Trump isn’t so cocky as to think he knows everything. That man knows how to delegate and has the people to learn the answers. Please visit his website and learn about him before lumping him in with others. The thing is, he is NOT a professional politician (ruler).

  23. B.S!

    Exchange one tyrant for another for conceited b.s. and empty words only?

    The thing is, he hasn’t demonstrated crap about his knowledge and adherence to the constitution. His history is progressive sh*t.

    My opinion is that Trump is no way near the conservative constitutional candidate demand.

    We don’t have a candidate in the field to vote for on a constitutional basis. Without that basis, we are doomed. Trump is 10lbs of crap packed into a 5lb bag as are most of the others. My opinion. Don’t like, don’t give a crap.

  24. So what, second, maybe third grade mentality. California Girl. Bwasahhhaaahhhaa. Yea, you are a Cruz voter. Really. You lose the debate and now Im a California Girl. What ever bitch, I can’t see you are doing your self or your candidates any good here with your Texas back woods humor. Sounds like despiration to me. My last words on the matter, except urge your family to remove all guns from your house in the next couple months. Ya freak.

  25. Honestly dude,one of us wouldn’t come out alive. You figure it out. I hate illogical people that continue to push their point. I guess now I’m Bald_Brad. Only because he’s licked all the hair off my balls. What can I say, he was hammered and thought I was Tex Cruz.

  26. You can dish it out but can’t take it. I try to ignore you but you always have to try and prove that you’re so tough. If you don’t want to be called out for being an asshole quit talking shit about me. Got it boy!

  27. Exactly! I will be at the polls voting and I don’t care if the Republican candidate ends up being Alfred E. Newman or Dewey Cheatum. I am not sitting at home allowing the Alinskyites to win.
    Too many conservative voters sat at home in 2012 because they didn’t like Mitt. He was far from my choice for President. I voted for him because at least we would have elected a decent human being.
    Instead we have a posturing, gesturing, Moslem ass kissing, America hating traitor in the White House.
    I may be another Ohioan holding my nose but I am voting.

  28. Tsunami get the fuck out of the way. Magnum, who post fucking shit non stop about your savior. Why, that would be you slick. How much shit do I post about Trump? Nada. You’ve done more to turn me against Cruz than you can imagine. Talk to me after New Hampshire. Cruz will lose and you know it.

  29. I would love to see a Cruz/Trump ticket because not only do the demoncrats HATE both of them, but even better the GOP establishment HATES both of them more than they hate the demoncrats.

    I would vote for a Trump/Cruz as well, just not m,y first choice. But either way the demoncrats and especially the GOP establishment is going to loose in November!

    I just hope that the Cruz/Trump ticket brings enough with them to clear out a lot of the Rino fossils that have been instrumental in implementing obama’s agenda for the last seven years.

    When the Rino’s are unemployed, I hope they change the rules and make it illegal for ANY former politician to lobby congress or industry for a minimum of eight years after they leave office!

    MSG Grumpy

  30. Fur, you’re right, his campaigning is style is not the same — I guess you could call it less dignified but I prefer to think of it as more real. He’s unfiltered in his word choice — but he uses expletives the way one should. And you can bet he’s housebroken and knows when to rein it in when it’s required. I rather doubt he’d give anyone the finger, for example, in front of C-Span (and America), take a selfie with a washcloth over his privates, or disgust all of America with horrid clothing choices, hair styles and Elton John-style glasses (see Rose DeLauro). I don’t think he’ll be discussing his sex life or writing love notes to his body man. And despite his amazing head for sports — athletes, stats, and so on — he’ll be dazzling us with his brackets every year. And, for a guy who owns incredible golf courses, he won’t be out on the links more days than he actually works.

    So, I can take a little undignified in exchange for his hard work, his heart work on America’s behalf.

  31. Cruz is my first choice.

    If it comes down to voting for Hillary or voting for the guy who donated to Hillary and thought she would be a great president, I’ll vote for the guy who donated to Hillary. Then I would hope and pray that he isn’t snowing us big time. And, if he is snowing us big time and reverts to the Liberal he was a few years ago, in 2020, I would hope like hell a conservative launches a primary challenge.

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