It was organized in chapters as a check list, ideally indexed to be a DVD.
I tried to watch it both as a meteorologist and as Jane Q. Public.
As a weatherperson, I felt it wasn’t as hard-hitting as it could have been, despite a cadre of scientists counter-arguing Global Warming mumbo-jumbo. The glitzy and over-extended chapter graphics were a little distracting and didn’t contribute to the debate.
As Jane Q., more emphasis on, and examples of, the Warmunists’ outrageous claims and predictions were needed. Less scientific rebuttal and more of “the oceans will boil,” “you’ll tether your boat to the Washington Monument,” “all life on Earth will perish in ten years…” They were there, but more were needed. There were one or two audience members who chuckled at the deliberately funny parts, but for the most part, the movie went right over everyone’s head. Morano was preaching to the choir.
At the end of the hour, Morano teased a sequel movie covering the loony plans being formulated to fight Climate Change, like modifying DNA to make people 25% shorter, eliminating 3/4 of the population on Earth, and moving everyone left into planned cities.
The film should have included all those ideas this time around, because even fewer people are going to watch a “Climate Hustle II.”
I left the theater unconvinced, both as a scientist and as a member of the general public, that Marc made a strong enough case against climate panic. It’s a film most people would need to watch twice to catch all the subtle irony and funny clips from Warmunist priests and scientists.
John Coleman did a series of anti-Global Warming programs for San Diego TV station KUSI and made a more interesting and more convincing argument against the climate hype.
There were no pickets, no protests, and no fights. I took along my little video camera and my police Taser just in case.
At least this flick got under asswagon Jimmy Kimmel’s skin.
You need SNL skits to get
peoples attention anymore.
The “dumbing down” is
almost complete. Just look
what they did to the colleges;
it makes one want to weep.
When it come to debunking Global Warming hype, Mark Twain said it best…
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
No need to dive into the dirty details. Just the 10,000 foot view alone of the last 40 years of this crap going from Global Cooling to Global Warming to Climate Change to Climate Pause (none of which has ever been predicted), the Vaporware called “Carbon Credits”, all the Hollywood Hypocrites and fat politicians, each using more energy than a small neighborhood while telling the little guy to cut back, should be enough to tell the thinking man it is the Hoax of all time!
The dumbing down has been completed, they are our college students.
– We are now in the ‘comply or shut up’ stage.
-Next, the forced ‘reeducation camps’, which are already being utilized.
-Then the ‘death camps’, final solution.
Welcome to, it’s been done before and we NEVER learn from history,
Paraphrasing: ‘Fasten your seat belts, we’re in for a bunny ride’. And BUY YOUR GUNS, NOW.
BUMPY, not BUNNY! Sorry
Sylvia echos why journalists are incapable of unbiased reporting. How would you know if the film was over the audience’s heads. My fellow viewers ranged in age from teenagers to senior citizens. The film drew a full house here in lefty ground zero land Boca Raton.
Nice try, Anon. Audience exit comments and brief Q&A’s give a reliable indication of a film’s effect.
While twenty-two people are too few to judge a movie’s success or failure, that number indicates the degree to which people care (or not) about climate change. The Northeast isn’t as frightened about sea level rise as are Floridians.
“Lefties” across the country protested CLIMATE HUSTLE on Monday; Gore Davidians had no interest in witnessing Climate Heresy. 🙂