Iowa Democrat Party Chairman Resigns – IOTW Report

Iowa Democrat Party Chairman Resigns

Townhall: Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price on Wednesday resigned from his position after the fiasco that took place following the state’s caucuses. 

“While it is my desire to stay in this role and see this process through to completion, I do believe it is time for the Iowa Democratic Party to begin looking forward, and my presence in my current role makes that more difficult,” Mr. Price said in a letter to the party. “Therefore, I will resign as chair of the Iowa Democratic Party effective upon the election of my replacement.” more

9 Comments on Iowa Democrat Party Chairman Resigns

  1. Love that subtle dig, ‘election of my replacement’. Essentially told them he isn’t leaving. Genius, except he’s a Democrat so operating without the functionality of a working brain.

  2. typical … the DNC ‘effs up & makes the local guy fall on his sword for their (deliberate) fuggup

    …. probably bought him a time-share on Lake Michigan (ala Comrade Bernie)


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