iOWTreport Crossword Puzzle – IOTW Report

iOWTreport Crossword Puzzle

You might need to know some of our reader’s names to complete this puzzle. But maybe not.


1. Chris Christie keeps them all for his own and for his family

5. Antifa travels in them

8. It’s not an Italian salad, it’s a thick painting

9. It analyzes, then synthesizes, the human voice

10. A valve in an opening through a ship’s hull below or near the waterline, typically cool’s the engine. (Sounds dirty.)

12. Forearm

15. This reader isn’t merely happy, she’s _____

18. Staring at Chelsea- Clinton or Manning- will induce this

20. Animal loving reader who sounds like she’s improving inheritable characteristics

23. Linoleum block print

25. Tandem rotor heavy lifting military helicopter

26. Left-wing women are usually….

27. Digital camera


1. According to this reader Michelle has a big one.

2. Pig’s father

3. Antifa are a bunch of……

4. Daryl Strawberry was the Straw that did this to the drink

5. Province in Indonesia

6. Priest threads

7. This reader sounds like she drinks lots of champagne

11. Paper Chase catch phrase word

13. Participles have been seen doing this

14. Sorta autobiographical

16. People usually ended up doing this at Obama speeches

17. A form of leftist parasite

19. The left will try and rewrite this

21. I would gladly take some from Melania, not so much from Michelle

22. Resin paint

24. Rubbery shoe for the laid back


Solution published tomorrow (unless someone nails it in the comments)

50 Comments on iOWTreport Crossword Puzzle

  1. Answers so far (someone help me out!)

    1. Chris Christie keeps them all for his own and for his family

    5. Antifa travels in them

    8. It’s not an Italian salad, it’s a thick painting

    9. It analyzes, then synthesizes, the human voice

    10. A valve in an opening through a ship’s hull below or near the waterline, typically cool’s the engine. (Sounds dirty.)

    12. Forearm — RADIUS

    15. This reader isn’t merely happy, she’s _____

    18. Staring at Chelsea- Clinton or Manning- will induce this

    20. Animal loving reader who sounds like she’s improving inheritable characteristics

    23. Linoleum block print — LINOCUT

    25. Tandem rotor heavy lifting military helicopter — CHINOOK

    26. Left-wing women are usually…. — UGLY

    27. Digital camera — DIGICAM


    1. According to this reader Michelle has a big one.

    2. Pig’s father — BOAR

    3. Antifa are a bunch of……

    4. Daryl Strawberry was the Straw that did this to the drink

    5. Province in Indonesia — either BALI or RIAU

    6. Priest threads – VESTMENT

    7. This reader sounds like she drinks lots of champagne

    11. Paper Chase catch phrase word

    13. Participles have been seen doing this — DANGLING

    14. Sorta autobiographical

    16. People usually ended up doing this at Obama speeches

    17. A form of leftist parasite

    19. The left will try and rewrite this

    21. I would gladly take some from Melania, not so much from Michelle

    22. Resin paint — ALKYD

    24. Rubbery shoe for the laid back — CROC

    Those are the easy ones!

  2. Across:
    1 – BEACHES
    5 – PACK
    8 – IMPASTO
    9 – VOCODER
    10 – SEACOCK
    12 – RADIUS
    15 – MERRY
    18 – NAUSEA
    20 – EUGENIA
    23 – LINOCUT
    25 – CHINOOK
    26 – UGLY
    27 – DIGICAM

    1 – BEAVER
    2 – ALEC (ref A. Baldwin’s comment about progeny)
    3 – HOODLUM
    4 – STIRS
    5 – PAPUA
    6 – CASSOCKS
    7 – CORKY
    11 – EARN
    13 – DANGLING
    14 – SEMI
    16 – YAWNING
    17 – LEECH
    19 – ANTHEM
    21 – NOOKY (!)
    22 – ALKYD
    24 – CROC

  3. Uncle Al for the win!

    (You could have snuck them in one at a time, here and there. I was starting to feel like Ralphie with his decoder ring there for a moment. “My brain at feverish pitch…they were coming easier now…” lol)

  4. Across
    1 – Beaches
    5 – Pack
    8 – impasto
    9 – vocoder
    10 – seacock
    12 – radius
    15 – Merry
    18 – Nausea
    20 – Eugenia
    23 – linocut
    25 – Chinook
    26 – Ugly
    27 – Digicam

    1 – Beaver
    2 – Alec
    3 – Hoodlum
    4 – Stirs
    5 – Papua
    6 – Cassocks
    7 – Corky
    11 – Earn
    13 – Dangling
    14 – Semi
    16 – Yawning
    17 – Leech
    19 – Anthem
    21 – Nooky
    23 – Alkyd
    24 – Croc.

  5. Chalupa — haha! I’m not plugged into the waka waka waka of everyday newsjunk enough to figure out some of them. I didn’t draw squares, but I had to rewrite my groupings a couple times. Uncle Al probably sent his to the printer. 😉

  6. Plain Jane — Then you’re a natural for crosswords. I love any kind of word game — Scrabble (of course), word jumbles, find-a-word, etc. Funny, I was too impatient to learn how to do sudoko.

  7. Aw Chalupa,
    I know how you feel. Whenever there is a contest I finally get on line and see sixty entries ahead of me, with every item I think of, someone has already posted and has 50 TU.

  8. @AA – Yes, I printed it. That felt mighty odd because I have been doing crosswords online only for years now. That’s the only reason I go deliberately to the Wash Post any more. Their Sunday puzzle is pretty good.

  9. Uncle Al — I was only guessing 🙂

    ‘night all. Tomorrow I erect scaffold for phase II of The Summer I Painted the House. This is the third time I have painted my house. The first time I was about twenty-two years old, the second time was about twenty years later and I said “I’m not doing this again.” This time I can say with 99.99% certainty that I definitely will not be doing this again. Too bad, really, since I am getting so much better at it and the house is in much better shape, too.

  10. It was bad Abigail – new rotors and pads on the front, new pads on the back. The place was swamped. And I skipped breakfast – how long could it take right? lol …nothing but a stack of crappy entertainment magazines and anal New York Times crossword puzzles to pass the time….$700 later I was a zombie at Subway 🙂

  11. Chalupa — Well, that’s one chore you can cross off your list now, anyway. I hate sitting around waiting for stuff and I know the stack of mags you’re talking about. I’m surprised there were any crosswords left for you to work. AND it seems every place you have to wait in has got CNN switched on the tee vee. Ugh.

  12. Fur — “semi popular demand” — that’s a good one. This was fun. Can we pick the theme next time? How about in reverse where you guess the theme or the answer to the question based on the word clues in the puzzle?

  13. Jethro – 2000 Toyota Echo. They said the back pads were a real pain in the arse to switch out.

    Abigail – no tv – just the local Sac. rock station playing. Mama used to cut out crossword puzzles for me so I still have a big envelope full of them.

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