Iran Blocking Congressional Access to Country, Nuke Sites – IOTW Report

Iran Blocking Congressional Access to Country, Nuke Sites

Lawmakers demand travel visas, to no avail.


WFB: Leading members of Congress have petitioned Iranian officials to grant them entry to the country ahead of a major speech by a top Iranian diplomat scheduled to take place Friday in Washington, D.C., according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Three members of Congress, including a member of the House intelligence committee, have been petitioning Iranian officials to grant them travel visas so they can meet with American hostages and inspect Iran’s nuclear sites to ensure compliance with the recently implemented nuclear deal.

Iranian officials have stalled these attempts for months and missed a self-imposed deadline to respond to the lawmakers’ request, according to correspondence obtained Tuesday afternoon by the Free Beacon.

The lack of reply by Iran has led to accusations of hypocrisy by these lawmakers, who noted that the Obama administration has repeatedly permitted Iranian officials to travel to America for meetings and events.

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