Iran Launches Missile Attack on Israel Following Kamikaze Drone Attack – IOTW Report

Iran Launches Missile Attack on Israel Following Kamikaze Drone Attack

Centcom Commander Leaves Israel, Joe Biden Returns to Washington – IDF Releases Statement.

Gateway Pundit: (4/13)

Joe Biden departed the Delaware beach “moments ago” as news broke that Iran launched a kamikaze drone attack against Israel.

Iran officially launched a massive drone attack against Israel, a development that could spark an all-out war and draw in more countries. Iran is reporting that cruise missiles will also be launched. more

More info at Breitbart.

15 Comments on Iran Launches Missile Attack on Israel Following Kamikaze Drone Attack

  1. “In 13, the beast is rising
    The Frenchman did surmise
    Through earthquakes and starvation
    The warlord will arise

    Terror, death, destruction
    Pour from the eastern sands
    But the truth of all predictions
    Is always in your hands

    No point asking when it is
    No point asking who’s to go
    No point asking what’s the game
    No point asking who’s to blame

    Cause if you’re gonna die
    (If you’re gonna die)
    If you’re gonna die, die
    (If you’re gonna die)
    If you’re gonna die
    (If you’re gonna die)
    If you’re gonna die

    If you’re gonna die, die with your boots on
    If you’re gonna try, well, stick around
    Gonna cry, just move along
    If you’re gonna die, you’re gonna die, ha! ha!”

  2. Just think! If my child touching boss kicks the bucket, you’ll have ME managing an all-out Mideastern war between nuclear armed opponents!


    I’d better *CACKLE!* “Bone Up”!

    Now the Middle East is a faraway land filled with people of interesting colors and exotic smells.

    You kids like exotic smells, right? I sure do!

    Wait, that’s E-X-O-T-I-C, not E-R-O-T-I-C, never mind then!


  3. “Tomorrow soon turns into yesterday.
    Everything we see just fades away.
    There’s sky and sand where mountains used to be.
    Time drops by a second to eternity.

    It doesn’t matter if we turn to dust;
    Turn and turn and turn we must!
    I guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!
    Dancin’ in the ruins!
    Guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!”

  4. Biden: We support Israel but not her right to retaliate.

    The Democrats don’t seem to want another war in an election year, after all, probably only because they can’t control it.

  5. Oh good; Joe’s in the “situation room” I feel so much better now. He even cut short his 500th vacation; what a great guy!

    80 billion dollars to Iran, and now this.

    I just can’t connect the dots.

  6. Generals gathered in their masses
    Just like witches at black masses
    Evil minds that plot destruction
    Sorcerer of death’s construction

    In the fields, the bodies burning
    As the war machine keeps turning
    Death and hatred to mankind
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds
    Oh lord, yeah!

    Politicians hide themselves away
    They only started the war
    Why should they go out to fight?
    They leave that role to the poor, yeah

    -War Pigs. Black Sabbath

  7. Didn’t Iran learn anything from the disastrous defeat of Hamas by the Israelis? Iran would be wise to outlaw inbreeding. This level of stupidity happens when citizens are indoctrinated instead of educated. Wake up America.

  8. C’mon man! Hey, youggys think we can use this to cancel the election? You can if it’s bad enough? Great!! Send those seeing eye guys over there to do stuff, and bring me a l’il girrl to celebrate on! Then leame alon for a few hours, I gonna celibate a LOT starting with a shower like in the old days!

  9. I said 30 years ago when the US went into the middle east that the entire region should be bombed until it was a glass parking lot.

    There are countless times since when it should have happened. Muslims have no place in a civilized society, neither do democrats.

    But the daughter fucker will just make more money when he gets us into another war, so I guess that is what we will do.

  10. Hunter
    SUNDAY, 14 APRIL 2024, 9:44 AT 9:44 AM

    But the JUVENILE daughter f̶u̶c̶k̶e̶r̶ RAPIST will just make more money when he gets us into another war, so I guess that is what we will do.


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