Iran Playing Call to Prayer on Captured Tanker Emphasizes Jihadist Goals – IOTW Report

Iran Playing Call to Prayer on Captured Tanker Emphasizes Jihadist Goals

Jihad Watch: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s attacks on British shipping could easily be written off as nationalistic or strategic. But, as this video from Memri shows, the Shiite Jihadist state made a point of playing the Islamic call to prayer, counting coup on the captured infidel tanker.

The video positions Iran’s attacks on shipping as an explicitly Islamic Jihad, and that is indeed what any military action by it must be seen as.

Iran’s Jihadist principles are embodied in its constitution, just as our own principles of freedom and independence are in our own. watch

7 Comments on Iran Playing Call to Prayer on Captured Tanker Emphasizes Jihadist Goals

  1. Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated, Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as “one of the most revolting sounds on Earth at sunset. What can you expect from Muslims?”

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