Iran Rolls Out New Suicide Bomber Robots In Preparation For WWIII – IOTW Report

Iran Rolls Out New Suicide Bomber Robots In Preparation For WWIII

UK Daily Star

Iran’s killer robots with the power to take on tanks and infantry have been captured on video, as tensions escalate in the region.

The Heidar-1 unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) were recently unveiled by the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces.

Iranian robotics experts in Tehran developed the deadly robots with the aim of rolling under tanks and blowing them up in a potential future ground conflict.

They were created by the Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organisation of the Iranian Army.

Scientists created six different versions of the wheeled bots, including two which are mounted with assault rifles.  More

17 Comments on Iran Rolls Out New Suicide Bomber Robots In Preparation For WWIII

  1. “The Daily Star” is a tabloid newspaper in the ugliest sense of that term. As a source of information, they’re about as reliable as “The National Enquirer.”


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