Iran to Finally Pay for Role in September 11 Attacks – IOTW Report

Iran to Finally Pay for Role in September 11 Attacks

Jury rules Manhattan-based charity is front for Iranian regime; feds seize its NYC building.

Conservative Review – Jury rules Manhattan-based charity is front for Iranian regime; feds seize its NYC building.

The Islamic-theocracy ruling Iran will finally pay for its role in helping facilitate the Sept. 11 and other acts of terrorism against the United States.

The New York Times reports a jury decided that the U.S. government has the right to take over a New York City building majority-owned by the Alavi Foundation β€” a supposed charity that is deeply connected to the Iranian regime. The foundation owns 60 percent of the building, while the Assa Corporation, an Iranian state-run bank, owns 40 percent.

Read the rest HERE.

12 Comments on Iran to Finally Pay for Role in September 11 Attacks

  1. Indicative of Obama’s art of the deal.
    Obama sends Iran $150 Billion Dollars by the pallet load and then we get a $1 Billion dollar NYC Building.

    What a deal. Everybody feel good about that?

  2. Iran has been funding Hezbollah since long before 9/11; when will the American families both have destroyed get even so much as an apology?

    The parents of Robert Stethem, an American sailor tortured and murdered aboard a TWA flight hijacked to Beirut (1985) before the dogs threw his body onto the tarmac, won a lawsuit against the Iranian government, and will probably never see any kind of return. It should anger every American that this brave man’s end represents just a drop in the bucket.

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