Iran Turns George Floyd Into a Shi’ite Muslim Saint – IOTW Report

Iran Turns George Floyd Into a Shi’ite Muslim Saint

PJMedia: Dr. Reza Parchizadeh, a political theorist and analyst, recently noted on Twitter that “the Iranian regime has turned the late #George_Floyd into Saint George, Shiite-style!” And sure enough, Parchizadeh posted a painting of Floyd depicting him in the way Shi’ite Muslims often depict their holy figures: in a green robe and surrounded by an aura of holy light.

As incongruous as the image is, it’s perfectly fitting: Floyd, whose murder touched off the rage for destruction that is afflicting America today, is the perfect symbol for the Iranian Islamic regime’s oft-repeated aspiration: “Death to America.”

Floyd’s criminal record and history of violent behavior and drug use may seem at first glance to be incompatible with sanctity, even sanctity as the Iranian mullahs envision it, but actually the canonization of Floyd is entirely reasonable within the context of present-day Iran. MORE HERE

20 Comments on Iran Turns George Floyd Into a Shi’ite Muslim Saint

  1. Sooooo… I’m guessing then all those other muzloid “saints” had pretty long rap sheets in the Religion of Pieces too!! Juuuuust a nuther puzzle piece that fits perfectly wouldn’t cha know!

  2. I have just about had it with everyone (including Ms. James at Heritage) referring to Mr. Floyd’s unfortunate death as “murder”. I am pretty sure that there is enough evidence that it was not….

  3. @ Crackerbaby
    Shouldn’t it be alleged murderer anyway. In order to be murder there would have to be intent? Did I miss the trial? Floyd was a medical time bomb with two heart conditions and fentanyl and meth in him, 6 time felon about to be at least seven time waiting to go off. Bad day for a lot of people for sure. Worth turning the world upside down, not so much?

  4. Just when you thought the world couldn’t get any stupider – Iran chimes in!

    This is beyond ignorance – beyond imbecility – beyond retardation – they’ve gone where no dumb-ass, goat-fucking raghead has gone, before!

    izlamo delenda est …


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