Iranian Diplomat Arrested For Plotting Terrorist Attack In Paris – IOTW Report

Iranian Diplomat Arrested For Plotting Terrorist Attack In Paris

Gingrich and Giuliani were at the event. Look for leftists to be sad that the plot was foiled.


5 Comments on Iranian Diplomat Arrested For Plotting Terrorist Attack In Paris

  1. It was retaliation for sending James Taylor to sing his dippy songs as a responds to the ‘truck of peace’ attack in Neice. They were hoping if they could pull off something bigger and better they would get an AC/DC gig out of the deal.

    But even that could be tricky. They would probably blow a “fuse” if the songs were post Bon Scott. Remember, the music anvil dropped in ’79 for these people. Someone has to know these things to prevent future ‘man made disasters’.

    What the hell am I saying? Trump won! Fire bomb the bastards home in Iran and tell them there is more where that came from. Government officials from Iran should not be seen or heard from. If they feel the need to say anything in public it should be “thank you Trump, may I have another”. As in every time there is a “Death to America Rally” in Iran the plaza should be napalmed. And then the Iranian UN diplomat would be required to go up to the mike and say “thank you Trump, may I have another”

  2. The muzzies…much like their democrat brethren, aren’t much for long

    term thinking…Had either side just kept quiet…and kept

    undermining the Country they were in…whether it be America,

    France, or Germany….They could have gained control in as little

    as ten years….But no….

    muzz gotta muzz and dem’s gotta dim…

    Thankfully they’re idiots.

  3. Muzzies want you and your Western civilization
    dead & gone.When they get at 30% and over,watch out!
    Like alot of black people they only know how
    to snatch,grab,take,steal,burn,beat,destroy and kill.
    They create,contribute and invent absolutely NOTHING!

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