Iranian MP Abolfazl Abutorabi threatened to attack White House during open session of parliament Sunday – IOTW Report

Iranian MP Abolfazl Abutorabi threatened to attack White House during open session of parliament Sunday

  • Daily Mail
  • ‘We can attack the White House itself, we can respond to them on the American soil,’ Abutorabi said in session
  • The body of Qassem Soleimani returned to Iran early Sunday to chants of ‘Death to America’
  • Top Iranian commander vows to ‘put an end to the US presence in the region’ with ‘strategic revenge’
  • Trump tweeted the threat on Saturday night to hit 52 targets representing victims of Iran hostage crisis
  • It came in response to Tehran’s threat to hit 35 American targets in the region including US ships
  • Iranians raised the blood-red ‘flags of revenge’ over the minarets at the revered Jamkaran Mosque
  • Iranian officials and Qassem Soleimani’s supporters have vowed vengeance for his death in US strike
  • A congressional staffer said the White House expects Iran to retaliate ‘within weeks’
  • Lebanon’s Hezbollah has told Iraqi soldiers to stay away from U.S. military bases starting Sunday 
  • Thousands of U.S. paratroopers from the 82 Airborne Division continue to deploy to the Middle East
  • more

30 Comments on Iranian MP Abolfazl Abutorabi threatened to attack White House during open session of parliament Sunday

  1. To quote Clint Eastwood “a man’s got to know his limitations”.

    But then again- anyone who follows a sheep shagging pedophile can’t be a real man so have at it Abolfuzzy and we will get this whole thing over with sooner rather than later.

  2. These blowhards and their “Flag of Vengeance”…Can’t they just try to do something? All this wailing and gnashing of teeth, you’d think this guy Soleimani was John McCain.

  3. Iran has been threatening America and taking aggressive actions against it -attacks on our embassies, bases. and ships- for quite some time.

    Trump has finally responded accordingly and Iran seems to fail to understand that Trump doesn’t take actions like this as a bluff. They take any more aggressive actions against us and Trump has already made sure he can, and will, respond in kind. Trump doesn’t bluff and Trump doesn’t back down when he is right.

    I’m far more concerned with the American Left that is on Iran’s side than I am about Iran itself. There’s real trouble brewing there, they favor Iran over the US and will be fighting against the US on Iran’s behalf accordingly.

    Be ready to stand against them if you are on the US side, backing down at all means you lose and they win.

  4. Iran and Iraq fought to a stalemate for 8 years.
    We defeated Iraq in about 6 weeks (?).

    You (Iran) really want to play this game?

    “Be careful what you wish for; it may come true.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Funny thing was, They were parading around Solie’s remains in Chevy

    Pick up….While chanting “Death to America!”

    Looking back, I realize this is not to far from GM’s thinking anyway.

  6. I know several Iranians who have relatives in Iran, and according to them, the Iranian government is overstating its support from its own citizens. Iran is not a democracy or republic – it is largely a dictatorship and elections are illusory. The Iranian government may continue to support terrorism, but a significant attack which results in a strong U.S. retaliation may bring down their current system of government.

    These statements are playing to our own liberal surrender-Donkeys who would actually like an Iranian form of government (minus the theocracy) in the United States.

  7. Hey, Habib! Have you actually done an inventory on who’s in The White House? All of them? Maybe you should threaten to power wash the streets of San Francisco? You’ll rustle more American jimmies, with that.

  8. …just remember, Mr. Warguy, that YOU guys couldn’t defeat Saddam for years and YEARS so you were pretty equal, and WE took dude out in basically a long weekend…

    …but things are different, you may say. Yes, they are.

    OUR weapons are even BETTER.

    And THIS President is not afraid to USE them…

  9. Mansfield lovell
    JANUARY 5, 2020 AT 9:15 AM
    “I feel just offal about Suleimani”

    …I see what you did there…

    “Sillymeanie was beside himself”

    …and there…

    “Gotta hand it to him”

    …and there…

  10. Renowned Islamic scholar and practitioner Gen. Soleimani…
    Was assassinated while studying the Koran at the Baghdad Airport,
    There was not a no reading allowed sign posted.

  11. They kill an American, they wound others, they attack us at our embassy, sovereign territory, on the coil of another country, and now THEY are pissed because we retaliated?


    God bless and good luck to our seamen and pilots in the region, to our cyber warriors, to our boys in the 82nd, and to the thousands deploying from Fort Bragg. We love you. Kill them quickly and come home safe.

  12. And AG Barr, please put down the bagpipes and start indicting our treasonous politicians and bigmouths who giving aid and comfort to the enemy, emboldening these pigs. Enough, already!


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