DC: Iranian officials announced on Wednesday that they have reopened their uranium processing plant in Isfahan, central Iran. The facility, which has sat dormant since 2009, is a key piece of their atomic program.
The facility processes the raw uranium powder, more commonly known as yellowcake, into the refined uranium hexafluoride gas. The hexafluoride gas is then processed through a centrifuge into enriched uranium. Enriched uranium is used in both civil atomic power plants and nuclear weapons.
According to a report from the Associated Press, the Iranians state that they will continue to honor the agreements of the 2015 nuclear deal, which stipulates that Iran may enrich the small amount needed for civilian applications. more here
‘Small amount needed for civilian application’
I interpret as ‘whatever it takes to apply extreme temperatures and pressures to civilians’
Namely Israeli and American civilians.
That’s a lie. It was never closed.
Bomb Iran song:
“Trust but verify”, my ass.
When Trump addresses the nation and announces, ” Iran no longer possesses the capability to enrich, produce, weaponize or even experiment with fissionable materials.”, will be the only statement I’ll ever believe about Iran and their nuclear program.
Because he’ll have made that happen.
We have the capacity to do THIS:
Rods from God –
Demonstration vid: TWO minutes long.
These are used for deep bunker penetration.
H/t wictor
Ghost, what you are linking to are called KEW’s, or Kinetic Energy Weapons. They got a massive infusion of tech from the Starwars program under Reagan. The host program was ‘Brilliant Pebbles’ which I believe has been declassified, and was a satellite and ballistic weapon neutralization program. Some absolutely lovely tech involved.
The KEW’s were not only researched but proved effective beyond early estimations. A few telephone poles of iron with an ablative carbon/carbon coating were deorbited very successively as far as target CEP (circular error probability) and terminal effect. The latter FAR exceeded expectations. Required a quite frantic review of the math to explain the error.