Iraq’s Parliament Votes to Expel US Troops Following Trump Ordered Strike on Terrorist Soleimani – IOTW Report

Iraq’s Parliament Votes to Expel US Troops Following Trump Ordered Strike on Terrorist Soleimani

Lifezette: Iraqi lawmakers approved a resolution Sunday calling to expel U.S. troops from the country, following an American drone attack that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

The resolution asks the Iraqi government to end the agreement under which Washington sent forces to Iraq more than four years ago to help in the fight against the Islamic State terror group.

“The Iraqi government has an obligation to end the presence of all foreign forces on Iraqi soil and prevent it from using Iraqi lands, waters, and airspace or any other reason,” Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halboosi said in an address to lawmakers before the vote.

The majority of about 180 legislators present in Parliament voted in favor of the resolution.

It was backed by most Shiite members of parliament, who hold a majority of seats. Many Sunni and Kurdish legislators did not show up for the session, apparently because they oppose abolishing the deal.

But the Iraqi Parliament vote doesn’t mean that the U.S. military has to leave the country immediately.

It’s a non-binding vote, which is seen as mostly symbolic. MORE

20 Comments on Iraq’s Parliament Votes to Expel US Troops Following Trump Ordered Strike on Terrorist Soleimani

  1. Drama queens. Still, I say we should leave. But first, disable, destroy every single piece of equipment left behind and then put some brutal sanctions on Iraq. Leave nothing operational- mistakes both Bush and 0bama made. Let the sandy subhuman sons of bitches kill each other off.

  2. What @MJA said! And about those “brutal sanctions” – sanctions on Iraq should begin with exactly the same ones we have Iran because if the U.S. leaves, Iraq will quickly fill with Persian carpetbaggers.

  3. If it wasn’t for that traitor barack obama withdrawing all US forces from Iraq, NONE of this would be occurring, and iran’s freedom movement would probably be resulting in iran being free again, not the protestors being mowed down by gunfire.

    Obama was BRIBED by the iranians. Pallettes of cash going out of the US by the likes of obama, have a way of coming back into the likes of obamaa’s pocket.

    Obama is a treasonous, corrupt scumbag and needs to be brought to justice.

  4. Remove all military equipment or obliterate what can’t be removed. Remove all funding. Let them handle diplomatic relations with U.S. through third party like Iran uses Switzerland. This will also tie up Iranian dollars as they will now be responsible for propping up the Iraqis government. When they beg for our return say thanks but no thanks. This will also send a message to the other countries in the region who rely on our support to think hard about the consequences of biting the hand that feeds you.

  5. @Tony R – you beat me to it. WIN/WIN.

    But a different take. Iraq gets to say, to it’s neighbors and the world, “we kicked them out”.

    We get to say to the world and the UN “hey they kicked us out” and we leave.

    Some people call it 3d or 4d whatever chess, but it works. Like in Syria.

    At the same time we, or the Saudis are killing Iranians in Iraq as we exit to show DJT version of ‘shocked and awed’.

    He will have the dems wanting the troops to stay in hostile positions.

    Read up on Thomas Wictor on this stuff.

  6. Doesn’t matter at this point about the “friendlies” in the region. The primary task is to cripple jihadi attacks in the U.S. and abroad.

    First, President Trump should continue airstrikes in the region, keep freaking out the mullahs with his tweets and tell our (except
    Israel. They’ve already ahead of the game) allies to calm down and join in the fight. Their fortunes and liberties are dependent on the U.S. – might as well get it together ASAP.
    Also, “disable” Iranian military posts, airforce and navy and of course continue sanctions.

    Next, get as much intel as possible on jihad sleeper cells operating here in the US and Canada – should be easy, they must be busy as bees assigning “lone wolve” martyrs to targeted vulnerable areas.

    Then, tighten security of both borders – North and South. In addition, enforce more civilian travel restrictions on the Middle East and Africa.
    Very certain The Trump administration have already implemented most of these precautions. Not worried, the United States has already won.

  7. SEE YA’ – WOULDN’T wanna BE YA’!!!

    (Oh – and expect a bill in the mail, for EVERYTHING since Operation Desert Storm, next week. You can pay in oil, gold, or cash. Missiles will be watching…)


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