Irish Magazine Asks “Why Not?” And Show a Target On Trump’s Temple – IOTW Report

Irish Magazine Asks “Why Not?” And Show a Target On Trump’s Temple

Via Weasel Zippers


46 Comments on Irish Magazine Asks “Why Not?” And Show a Target On Trump’s Temple

  1. I hope the entire staff gets drunk and horrifically dies in a car crash. And with them being Irish the odds are they will.

    Hey. I’m part Irish. I can make jokes like that.



  3. This is when the Irish Ambassador gets “summoned ” to the State Department.

    “Well, what are you going to do about this?”

    There’s no 1st Amendment in Ireland. Their government can lean on the mag’s staff. Hard.
    Nip this disrespect in the bud.

  4. This is disgusting and unacceptable, and must be addressed.

    When gabby Giffords was shot, the left was swift in turning to Sarah Palin’s remark in which she spoke of focus in getting things done, *actually* using a metaphor (“lock and load”) to get her point across. She’s from Alaska, FFS, and we tend to use hunting and other similar metaphors because this is part of our culture, whether any leftist city dweller likes it or not. Palin didn’t point at individuals or target anything with violence; she was encouraging people to get involved and not be apathetic, and a look at her speech makes that very clear.

    Madonna, however, named the White House as a target of violence, and it’s already known–there’s NO denying it–the left is filled with violent fascists. I haven’t heard word one about her being held responsible for her words.

    And now this damn magazine. What eejit decided this would be a good idea? Since when is it funny to joke about assassinating world leaders? Did these bastards ever stop to think what happens in a country following an assassination? What if one of their readers, or someone abroad who saw this piece of shit cover decided to take them up on it? I wonder if they would feel any kind of remorse at all for destroying a family and setting an entire nation into fire?

    I want the Irish ambassador spoken to about this crap. I don’t give a crap if they DID have a 1st Amendment in their damn nation–that doesn’t permit calls to violence, especially assassinating a nation’s democratically elected president.

  5. I really think that we are headed for a civil war. In this country, the Democrat Party has to tone down the rhetoric, eliminate the foot dragging on EVERYTHING, and get behind our duly elected President.

    Basically, the Dems want to shut the government down. When Gingrich closed the government down for a few days during Bill Clinton’s administration, all hell broke loose. Now, it is OK for the Dems to do this ? Any Democrat who is silent about this are no better than the so-called ‘moderate’ Muzzies who are silent about terrorism and jihad.

  6. How about Trump invites those Irish dancers to the White House, talks about how much he loves the Irish, then mention The Village Mag is horrible, the import tax just went up 500%, he should say The Village is full of idiots, stupid people, horrible people, almost worse than CNN.

  7. Why not? Here’s why not. If DJT were assassinated, I’d be joining a very large number of heavily armed men and women and our goal would be to eliminate by any means necessary any and all people who had in any way called for or condoned such an act. And your magazine’s publisher, editors, and writers would be first. Suck on that.

  8. I am so sick of the revved up rhetoric, and the fools that are terrorizing our towns and cities. I hope that at some point, being a Domestic Terrorist ends with a healthy prison sentence, or they get kicked out of the Country. (I doubt any other Country would accept a Domestic Terrorist, but let them figure that out for themselves) NO MERCY.

  9. I am first generation Irish-American. I love Ireland because it’s where I have spent so many wonderful summers visiting family. My dad, a voracious reader of all news, would read the Irish newspapers when we were there and rant about the lack of coverage of both sides in American politics. (15 years ago was the last time I was there with him ) I was there this past summer and was truly shocked at the anti-Trump vibe. They adore Hillary. So good for Ireland, etc. I am disgusted by this cover and story, but not in the least, surprised. We are living in a time that I cannot equate to any other in my lifetime. There’s a world-wide “meme” that President Trump is an evil man. May he succeed in all his endeavors to make America great again.

  10. Marymcc. I agree with you 100 percent. Last time I was in Ireland I was amazed at the amount of pimpley faced little wankers in their Che Guevara tee shirts strutting about town with their water bottles . At the time they were thinking of putting a statue of Che in Galway. Che the Liberator. My ass! I don’t know if it ever happened and I really don’t care. Ireland’s President, Wee Mickey Higgins-he’s about an inch too tall to be called a midget- is an avowed socialist, a big time critic of America. He always has been.
    Enda Kenny is just a politician who will blow with any wind. I say
    Phuck em all. As an American, born in Ireland, I say if this magazine “Village” whatever, is not destroyed, wiped out, kaput, within the next six months, Irish tourism should be put on notice.
    I would advise any American group planning a golf trip to Ireland
    to go to Doonbegh, Trumps Course. Avoid the rest, Kilarney. Tralee. Ballybunion, and so forth where the sneaky fucking caddy’s will steal from your golf bag and rip you off. Hit them where it hurts.
    I’m so sick of it all.

  11. I’m speaking of Che Guevara. And BTW The Irish have a statue of Bill Clinton in Ballybunion. Co Kerry. How phucked up is that? The guy was a cheater even at golf. God Bless America.

  12. Moe Tom – stayed in Lahich for a night. All good Americans were being bused to Trumps place for golfing. Buses galore from the hotels Had a reservation at Trumps for my first night, but when I realized I would be driving 30 miles in the wrong direction on the “wrong side” I cancelled. It did make me a little sad because Lahinch was THE place to golf before Trump. The shop owners in Lahinch love him though.

  13. Hey you guys don’t get me wrong, I love Ireland. or at least I used to, but when the Irish Government takes no action against a magazine that suggests the assassination of MY President I feel that
    we should gather together and boycott the tourist trade to Ireland.
    Let Board Failte make a move. Let Aer Lingus make a move. Is this what you want in Ireland? I could go on but if you don’t get the point, then fuckit1

  14. “The sentiment expressed by the graphic is horrific. And I can tell the ‘artist’ is not a ‘shooter’. Wrong aiming point.”

    Interesting, my first thought was, weird, I’ve never seen that retical before.

  15. A quote from the movie Gangs Of New York
    Bill the Butcher “On the seventh day the Lord rested, but before that he did, he squatted over the side of England and what came out of him… was Ireland. No offence son.”

  16. Shit Tommy this morning she asked me if I had any cash. I said yea my wallets in my pants while I’m taken a shower. My wallet contained two 100 dollar bills and a 20. I go to buy coffee and guess what’s in my wallet? I’m telling you, you can’t trust the Irish.

  17. The best revenge would be to lower the US corporate tax rate below Ireland’s. Then see in 2020 if any corporations (American or otherwise) are left in Ireland.

  18. Ireland – a good place to be FROM.
    Gee, now I’m kinda proud my ancestors got thrown out …

    Stealing sheep is one thing … impersonating sheep is quite another.
    Monkey see; Monkey do: The legacy of tired, old, dead Europe.

    izlamo delenda est …

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