Ironic That the Republicans Have an Extra Committee Vote Because Franken Was Forced To Resign Because of #MeToo – IOTW Report

Ironic That the Republicans Have an Extra Committee Vote Because Franken Was Forced To Resign Because of #MeToo

It’s also ironic that Franken played the role of Paul Simon, a democrat senator on the judiciary committee during the Thomas/Hill hearing. Now his “handsiness” has cost the dems a vote during another one of their 12th hour “sexual misconduct/assault” accusations.

Committee members will vote tomorrow on whether to favorably recommend Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.



I am very worried about Flake, and semi-worried about Ben Sasse.


The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on whether to favorably recommend Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court as previously scheduled Friday morning, though top GOP senators did not know as of Thursday night whether enough key Republican votes had been convinced to confirm President Donald Trump’s nominee.

The vote scheduled for Friday morning means undecided GOP members of the committee — including Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake — have just hours to publicly choose a side in a deeply polarizing political fight.

As of Thursday night, Flake — who also met earlier with fellow key votes Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin — told reporters, “There’s more doubt than certainty moving ahead.”
“This isn’t easy for anybody,” Flake told reporters. “Some of us have been talking for a while — similar questions I guess.”
When asked if he thought more time before the deadline would help with his decision, Flake said he didn’t know.
“When you have more time, you look at what more time has done in the past couple of days in term of ludicrous allegations, some of which have been recanted. Others just were anonymous to begin with, and what does that do to the accused. Just to give it more time. I don’t know. You have to weigh those things, You have to weigh all those things.”


16 Comments on Ironic That the Republicans Have an Extra Committee Vote Because Franken Was Forced To Resign Because of #MeToo

  1. That’s not ironic, that’s Sweeeeeeeeeet!

    If there was ever a ‘war on women’ it was waged terrorist style by the depraved leftist communists.
    SloJoe Biden is not just a member, that groping pervert was their president of Vice!!

  2. doesn’t matter if Flakey Font votes w/ the dimms or not, it’s a procedural vote
    they can come to no conclusion & pass no recommendation … it’s what they did w/ Thomas

    I’m thinking Flakey (don’t trust CNN’s analysis on anything) … & Sasse, will go w/ the recucklicans

  3. What time is the vote, 9:30 EDT? I’m going to sleep in and wake up to see the results. If I watched it live and saw Flake vote no I might do something stupid and irrational. Here on the left coast that’s sleeping in to 7:30.

  4. There are basically three senate votes that really matter. But Booker is a waste. Asking Kavanagh if he drank on weekdays. He shoud have been ready with a T-Bone response, like “Yes we occasionally had beers on weekdays over the summer after working out. We would drink beer and Grill us up some T-Bones.”

  5. Those weak-kneed Republicans don’t know how to stick up for themselves. The media sticks a microphone in their face, and they fold like a cheap lawn chair.

    BOLDLY say the woman are liars and move on.

  6. I’ve lost count. Does someone have a complete list of all the Demmunists who have been confirmed as full-fledged members of the PoundMeToo club cuz that’s whutcha call irony and hypocrisy!!


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