Ironically, Bernie Sanders is Causing More Debt For College Students – IOTW Report

Ironically, Bernie Sanders is Causing More Debt For College Students

Looks like some are donating their weed money to Bernie.

This thread seems too good to be true. It seems scripted for maximum Anti-Sanders enjoyment.bernloons

15 Comments on Ironically, Bernie Sanders is Causing More Debt For College Students

  1. I won’t be concerned until the liberal head-exploding suicide rate surpasses that of the Jim Jones koolaid drinkers – and then I still won’t give a shit, anyways.

    Those people making the comments; you work with those people everyday.

    Warm fuzzy’s for everyone.

  2. BFH I just put a theory together. The Uber driver that went on a rampage Saturday night in kalamazoo MI, received a phone call and went crazy, started killing people. I bet it was because Bernie lost. This post just brought that theory to me…. I haven’t heard anyone else come up with that but it seems plausible. Make sure to keep this prediction in mind when the reason he went nuts comes out.

  3. who gives a rat’s patooty about Sanders anyway? after the primaries, where Hitlary wins by a landslide of delegates, she will veer to the center so fast her supporters will get whiplash.

  4. Hi BFH.

    I’ve been a big fan of your site for years. How about creating a cartoon for the predicted Clinton thumping of Sanders in the SC primaries. I was thinking of Bernie as a hemorrhoid and Hillary as a tube of Preparation H->? Hope this gives you something to work with.

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