Irony Defined—> – IOTW Report

Irony Defined—>

12 Comments on Irony Defined—>

  1. We should prepare ourselves for a verdict we are not going to like.

    Scott Barnes, Kyle’s first lawyer was on the Megyn Kelly show yesterday. He chronicled a number of mistakes Kyle’s current lawyer made re: jury selection. Barnes hired a prestigious jury polling firm prior to trial to go into Kenosha and take the collective pulse on the issue. After a very large sampling they found that 70% all those polled had an unfavorable view of Kyle and broke down the opinions with the demographics. The current lawyer ignored it and did not do proper vetting while picking this jury.

    Barnes also flamed the judge for not giving clear rulings on evidence tampering, civil rights violations and prosecutorial contempt of court.

  2. I think they’ll find him not guilty.
    The prosecution keeps pulling Bingers and the jury sees it, and the judge talks about it.

    It will most likely come down to a mistrial with prejudice.

    BTW, they’re going to riot no matter what. Just accept it.

  3. This should be declared a mistrial. Since when do politicians weigh in on a jury trial when it’s under way. The Media should face huge fines from the FCC. The Prosecution lied every step of the way. Either way they rule this it’s riot season again.

  4. Never should have held this trial in Kenosha. Plus the jury should have been sequestered.

    The high res video the prosecution held back should warrant some big problems for the ADA. Won’t happen of course.

  5. I’d be afraid to rule, very afraid but it wouldn’t stop me from doing what was right. I’d Rittenhouse anyone threatening my life. MSNBC was already caught stalking the jurors.

  6. Sorry,
    Nope to both. We let the Kyle the Innocent go free, and shoot the looters.
    There’s always alternative options.


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